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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:百度作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/15 20:59:03
2008 wenchuan earthquake caused a large number of private houses collapsed damaged,let "personal bankruptcy" this YiJin years to be mentioned more system once again become a central topic.May 31,the National People's Congress CaiJingWei former vice director of JiaZhiJie puts forward,the massive earthquake in the collapse of housing people unable to pay the purchase loans case,need by establishing personal bankruptcy system to solve.
On January 15,2009,the people's bank of China deputy governor ZhuMin in "personal bankruptcy legal system and bad loans disposal international conference on said,establishing personal bankruptcy legal system is of great significance.He pointed out that,at present,China's personal bankruptcy legal system has not been perfect,establishing personal bankruptcy legal system for the protection of consumers,to safeguard the financial institutions financial health operation,to promote the state financial stability,support our country go "rely on domestic demand development" the roads and to promote the macro economic structure adjustment,has a very important significance.
Personal bankruptcy system is getting a lot of legal scholars mentioned the response,thus it can be seen in the individual market as the economic subject to frequent in the market economic activities,face more economic risk today,only allow the enterprise bankruptcy legal system has far can not adapt to the requirements of the development of the Chinese economy,the construction of the China's personal bankruptcy system is imminent.
英语翻译2008年汶川大地震所导致的大量私人房屋倒塌损毁,让“个人破产”这一近年来被提及较多的制度再次成为焦点话题.5月 书面表达(25分) 2008年5月12日汶川大地震带来的伤痛让国人永远铭记在心。伤亡人数众多,房屋倒塌,大量的民众无家可 英语翻译2008年5月12日,四川汶川发生特大地震,造成9万多人死亡,1万多人失踪,大量的房屋倒塌,交通通讯中断,党中央 为什么暴雨会导致大量的房屋倒塌? 2008年5月12日我国汶川地区发生了8.0级的大地震,给人民群众造成了重大损失,倒塌房屋中的一些被困人员,通过敲击物体 2008年5月12日我国四川省汶川地区发生了8.0级的大地震,给人民群众造成了重大损失。以下是被埋在倒塌房屋中被困人员自 2008年5月12日我国四川省汶川地区发生了8.0级的大地震,给人民群众造成了重大损失.以下是被埋在倒塌房屋中被困人员自 2008年5月12日下午14:28分,突如其来的特大地震灾害降临四川汶川,造成房屋倒塌、数十万群众被埋。党和国家领导人第 2008年5月12日14时28分,四川汶川发生里氏8.0级强烈地震,地震导致数万人伤亡,众多房屋倒塌。下列和地震有关的说 2008年5月12日14时28分,四川汶川发生里氏8.0级强烈地震,地震导致数万人伤亡,众多房屋倒塌.下列和地震有关的说 关于地震的英文作文2008年5月12日四川汶川发生特大地震,造成9万多人死亡,1万多人失踪,大量房屋倒塌,交通通讯中断, 英语翻译2008年5月12日我国的四川汶川发生了8.0级强烈地震,造成近7万人死亡,桥梁建筑被毁,供水供电中断,房屋倒塌