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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:百度作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/23 00:02:58
The testimonial is one of advertisers’ most-loved and most-used propaganda techniques.Similar to the transfer device,the testimonial capitalizes on the admiration people have for a celebrity to make the product shine more brightly-even though the celebrity is not an expert on the product being sold.
Print and television ads offer a nonstop parade of testimonials:here’s William Shatner for Priceline.com; here’s basketball star Michael Jordan eating Wheaties; a slew of well-known people (including pop star Madonna) advertise clothing from the Gap; and Jerry Seinfeld assures us he never goes anywhere without his American Express card.Testimonials can sell movies,too; newspaper ads for films often feature favorable comments by well-known reviewers.And,in recent years,testimonials have played an important role in pitching books; the backs of paperbacks frequently list complimentary blurbs by celebrities.
Political candidates,as well as their ad agencies,know the value of testimonials.Barbra Streisand lent her star appeal to the presidential campaign of bill Clinton,while Arnold Schwarzenegger endorsed George Bush.Even controversial social issues are debated by celebrities.The nuclear freeze,for instance,starred Paul Newman for the pro side and Charlton Heston for the con.
As illogical as testimonials sometimes are (Pepsi’s Michael Jackson,for instance,is a health-food adherent who does drink soft drinks),they are effective propaganda.We like the person so much that we like the product too.
印刷品和电视广告提供了一个不间断的代言平台:威廉夏纳为Priceline.com(代言).篮球明星迈克尔乔丹为Wheaties(代言) ;一系列众所周知的人(包括歌星麦当娜)为GAP衣服做广告;杰里宋飞向我们保证,他没有美国运通卡就什么地方都去不了.代言也能使电影更好卖;报纸广告的电影常常包含功能良好的意见众所周知的审评.并在最近几年,(名人)代言在转投书籍中扮演了重要角色;(通过)后背上的平装经常名单列出受人欢迎的名人.
政治候选人,以及他们的广告代理商,知道代言的价值.芭芭拉.史翠珊把她的明星吸引力给总统竞选中的克林顿,和阿诺德施瓦辛格赞同乔治.布什(一样).甚至有争议的社会问题的辩论的名人.例如,核冻结,保罗.纽曼认为是有利一方而和查尔顿赫斯顿认为(核利用)是节能的.(名人)代言有时是不和逻辑的(例如,给百事可乐(做广告)的迈克尔杰克逊,(如果)是一种健康食品贴谁做喝饮料(的广告)) ,它们是有效的宣传.我们喜欢的人这么多,我们的产品也一样.