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Never judge a person by his _____ (appear).请注意是否要加前缀

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:百度作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/06/28 09:01:59
Never judge a person by his _____ (appear).请注意是否要加前缀
Never judge a person by his _____ (appear).请注意是否要加前缀
appearance不要以貌取人 不需要
再问: 晚了。。
再答: 没关系,其实字典是你最好的老师,加油
再问: 谢谢~我只是不太懂这个意思。。所以才问的
再问: 有一道题是I can not find my student card anywhere.It just ______ out of the blue.(appear),
再答: appeared
再问: When I left,he was still talking about his ____ among his school excitedly 。(popular)
再问: 不是disappeared吗。。。
再答: 打错了你的对
再问: 噢耶
再问: When I left,he was still talking about his ____ among his school excitedly 。(popular)那这个单词的名词出了population还有别的吗。。我懒得找了
再答: 用popularity
再答: 你写的是人口的意思
再问: popularity是神马意思咩
再问: 声音。。。
再问: 有点。。。
再答: 我最近感冒了,嗓子哑了
再问: (^_^)xixi
再问: 你是英语老师吗
再问: quizzes参加是用attend.吗,还是用take
再问: 那么attend一般加神马呢