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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:百度作业网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/07/22 12:58:16
The current study explored and examined, specific to the restaurant industry, these two important constructs emerging from the safety climate literature (employee perceptions of safety training and management commitment to safety). We explored whether the safety perceptions of these two factors would be better treated as two dimensions of a single factor (e.g., safety climate) or as two separate factors.Purpose 1: To examine whether employees’ perceived management commitment to safety and safety training are two dimensions of a single construct or two separate factors.From the literature, safety climate has been differentiated into two levels, shared-group safety climate and individual-psychological safety climate (Christian et al., 2009). Summarizing from the literature (e.g., James et al., 1978, James and Sells, 1981, Jermier et al., 1989 and Young, 2010), Christian et al. defined psychological safety climate as individual perceptions of safety-related policies, practices, and procedures pertaining to safety matters that affect personal well-being at work. When these perceptions are shared among individuals in a particular work environment, a group-level climate emerges (e.g., James et al., 1990 and Young, 2010). Therefore, group-level safety climate is defined as shared perceptions of the work environment and characteristics as they pertain to safety matters that affect a group of individuals (e.g.,Griffin and Neal, 2000, Zohar and Luria, 2005 and Young, 2010). Both individual- and group-level employee perceptions of management commitment to safety and company-provided safety training for restaurant workers were examined in the current study.
目前的研究探索和检查,针对餐饮业,这两个重要的构造新兴安全气候文学(员工感知的安全培训和安全管理承诺)。我们探讨这两个因素的安全认知是否会更好作为单因素(如两个维度。、安全气候)或两个不同的因素。目的1:检查员工是否认为管理层承诺安全,安全培训是单一的两个维度构建或两个不同的因素。从文学、安全气候已经分化成两个层次,shared-group安全气候和individual-psychological安全气候(基督教et al .,2009)。总结从文学(如。詹姆斯et al .,1978年,詹姆斯和销售,1981年,Jermier et al .,1989年,年轻,2010年),基督教等人心理安全气候定义为个人对安全政策,实践和程序有关安全事项,影响个人幸福。当个人之间共享这些观念在特定工作环境,group-level气候(如出现。,詹姆斯et al .,1990年,年轻,2010)。因此,group-level安全气候定义为共享的看法,因为他们的工作环境和特点与安全问题,影响一群人(如。格里芬和尼尔2000、琐仅有2005和年轻,2010)。个人,group-level员工管理对安全的看法和公司提供餐馆员工的安全培训,检查在当前的研究中。