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英语周报book1 module5答案

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英语周报book1 module5答案
英语周报book1 module5答案
Book 1 Module 5 参考答案及部分解析
1-5 ACBCA 6-10 ABCBB
11-15 CACAC 16-20 BCCBC
21-25 ABDCB 26-30 DDCAB
31-35 CDBBA 36-40 CABBD
41-45 ADBCA 46-50 DCABA
51-55 DBCAC 56-60 DABDA
61-65 CBBCD 66-70 CACDB
71-75 CBFGE
76. In fire towers / lookouts high above the ground.
77. Because the largest fire ever recorded happened that year.
78. Once every hour.
79. Her work is not boring.
80. Planes and satellite imaging.
81. ... on last weekend. 去掉on
82.When they got ... they → we
83. ... was full in ... in → of
84.We waited patient ... patient → patiently
85. ..., we play singles. play → played
86. After about half hour ... hour前加an或half前加a
87. ..., but we all ... but → and
88. ... and I was ... was → were
89. ... other three team. team → teams
90. ... what important teamwork ... what → how
One possible version:
Aim: To find out whether we can test the nature of a liquid by using litmus paper.
Apparatus: 3 glass beakers; litmus paper; a lemon; baking soda; water.
First, pour some water into the beakers.
Second, squeeze lemon juice into a beaker. Add a spoonful of baking soda to the second beaker. Put some water in the third beaker.
Third, dip a strip of blue litmus paper into the lemon water. Dip red litmus paper into the soda water.
Finally, dip red and blue litmus paper into the water.
Result: The blue paper turns red, showing an acid solution. The red paper turns blue, showing an alkaline solution. The paper in the water doesn't change colour, showing a neutral solution.
Conclusion: We can test the nature of a liquid by using litmus paper.
21. A.copper(铜)和electricity(电)均为物质名词(不可数名词),其前不用冠词.题意:众所周知,铜比其他材料导电性能好.
22. B.上句问对方想如何邮寄,根据答语前一句“只是一些印刷品”可知,“平邮(ordinary mail)就行了”.general 一般的;ordinary 普通的;necessary 必要的;partial部分的,局部的.
23. D.根据题意可知heat 与ice 及water之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,故用heat的过去分词作状语表示条件.题意:冰受热变成水,水受热变成水蒸气.
24. C.根据答语“高兴地跳起来”可知,上句是问“他对这个消息是什么反应(reaction)”.aim 目的;description 描述;conclusion结论.
25. B.形容词倍数表达法之一:倍数+ as +形容词原级+ as .
26. D.be proud of ... 以…… 而自豪;inthe area of ... 在……领域.
27. D.根据前句可知后句意为“他小时候喜欢弄清事物是如何运转的”,故用how引导宾语从句.
28. C.题意:这些物质是由几种液体混合在一起并加压使之凝固而成(form)的.avoid 避免;contract 收缩;float 漂浮.
29. A.根据but 后分句句意“但自从上了高中以来就没有时间了”可知,前一分句是说“我过去经常(used to)去看电影”.be used to (do sth.)被用来(做某事);happen to碰巧;be able to能.
30. B.分析句子结构可知,不定式短语为真正的主语,故用it作形式主语.
31. C.in the last ... years 常和现在完成时连用.
32. D.根据but 后分句句意“但因大雾晚了半个小时”可知,前一分句是说“火车本应该(be supposed to)在9 点40 分到达”.
33. B.表达分数时,分子用基数词,分母用序数词,若分子大于一,则分母用复数形式;“分数+ of + 名词”结构中的名词如是单数可数名词,一般应用单形动词,故选B项.
34. B.在“the + 比较级+ ...,the + 比较级+ ...”结构中,主从句都常用陈述句语序.
35. A.根据答语“一点也不介意”可知,答话人应该是同意对方打开电视,故用Go ahead(开始吧,做吧).You've gotit 你明白了;It's your turn 轮到你了;Keep the noise down安静点.
36. C.由下文的his position 以及石匠想当商人、太阳等可知,他不满意自己的工作.
37. A.由上文的stonecutter可知.
38. B.由下文的that businessman可知.
39. B.由下文的powerful businessman 可知.
40. D.由下文的suddenly he became the sun 可知,石匠这样一想,突然就变成了商人.
41. A.由上文的rich可知.42. D.由下文的the strength of the sun 可知,那天很热.
43. B.由上文的in a town可知.
44. C.由下文石匠想变成太阳可知,他对太阳的灼热感到愤怒.
45. A.由后面的his heat可知,石匠变成太阳,用他的热量炙烤着人们.
46. D.有一天,一朵乌云在他身下飘过.
47. C.由上文的Rain poured down and the wind blew 可知,刮风下雨阻止了太阳发威.
48. A.由下文的became a storm可知.
49. B.with 在此表示伴随,storm with rain and wind意为“暴风雨”.
50. A.人们对于暴风雨当然是感到害怕.
51. D.“他的巨大威力”和“当他刮过一块巨石时,巨石却纹丝不动”之间为转折关系.
52. B.由上文多处出现的thought可知.
53. C.由下文的a stonecutter was cutting him可知,他如愿以偿地变成了磐石.
54. A.由下文的a stonecutter was cutting him 可知,他感觉到自己的身体有细微的变化.
55. C.此时他已经变成磐石,因此是问自己,还有什么比磐石更有威力.
56. D.细节理解题.根据第一段的When my sister Gina was born, she had a problem with her heart 可知,Gina 天生患有心脏病.
57. A.推理判断题.根据第二段的Our parents wanted to take Gina to a special place in Florida,第三段的Gina had to work hard every day for a week 以及最后一段的Gina was able to move her body more than she normally did at home 可知,作者一家去佛罗里达是为Gina治病.
58. B.细节理解题.根据第二段的Gina was afraid of swimming with them 可知.
59. D.推理判断题.文章主要讲述了先天性心脏病患者Gina 通过和海豚一起游泳慢慢康复的故事.文章是想告诉我们:有时候不寻常的方式会帮助到我们.
本文是记叙文.文章主要介绍了Amanda 在飓风桑迪过后为人们找回照片的故事.
60. A.推理判断题.根据第一段的One of the hardest-hit areas was Staten Island和Floodwaters carried everything away from their homes. Furniture, clothing, and other things filled the streets 可知,飓风桑迪对史坦顿岛造成了灾难性的破坏.
61. C.推理判断题.根据第三段的They climbed under thorny bushes and up tall trees to catch pictures 可知,Amanda 不辞辛劳地为邻里街坊找照片.
62. B.词义猜测题.根据前一句的Some photos were of people who had died in the storm 可知,当看到这些已故人士的照片时,Amanda感到心碎.
63. B.标题归纳题.本文主要讲述了Amanda 在飓风过后为人们找回照片的故事,因此B项作标题合适.
本文是说明文.文章主要介绍了Interlake School Division 开展有关项目为国际空间站选
64. C.细节理解题.根据第一段的to take part in a program to send experiments to the International Space Station (ISS)可知.
65. D.推理判断题.根据倒数第三段的Here's a real hero to look up to 可知,Maria Nickel 认为Chris Hadfield 给热爱科学的学生树立了一个很好的榜样.
66. C.推理判断题.根据倒数第二段的Schott says she wants to follow in the footsteps of Hadfield and be an astronaut when she gets older 可知,Schott 受Chris Hadfield 的影响,想成为一名宇航员,因此她很敬重Chris Hadfield.
67. A.主旨大意题.本文为新闻报道.文章第一段的Kids ... send experiments to the International Space Station (ISS)点明了文章的主旨.
本文是应用文.文章主要介绍了2013 年路易斯安那州核桃节的海报和T恤设计大赛.
68. C.细节理解题.根据首段的Held ...in downtown Colfax, Louisiana, the Louisiana Pecan Festival ... 可知.
69. D.细节理解题.根据第一段的The winners of the contests will receive $250可知,获胜者可以获得一定数量的现金奖励.
70. B.细节理解题.根据第三段的If the artwork doesn't contain a pecan it won't be accepted可知.
1-5 BDAAC 6-10 DBACD
本文是说明文.文章主要介绍了补习 天王天后.
1. B.推理判断题.根据第二段的内容 “补习天王天后年轻俊美,穿着讲究并且为自己作广告宣传”可知,他们注意打扮 以吸引学生找他们补课.
2. D.推理判断题.根据第三段的Many people soon knew who Richard Eng was. Students wanted to be in his class 可知, Richard Eng很受学生欢迎.
3. A.篇章结构题.此处the practice 指代接下来一句中的takes their classes,即:学生上补习课.
4. A.推理判断题.根据倒数第二段 Rosa Wong 说的But everyone else takes their classes. If your children don't, you are afraid they won't be able to do as well as everyone else 可知,她给孩子选择补习课是迫于压力.
5. C.推理判断题.根据最后一段 Catherine Chan 说的isn't sure whether tutoring is the best way 和But if it really helps the students then I don't have any right to say it's bad or wrong 可知,她对学生上补习课持中立态度.
6. D.细节理解题.根据第二本书中介绍的he sets out to trap Santa and steal all the toys that Santa is carrying for good girls and boys 可知.
7. B.细节理解题.根据最后一本书中介绍的This is a ... beautifully pictured book 可知.
8. A.细节理解题.根据第一本书中介绍的tells the story of the Cheeseman family 可知.
9. C.推理判断题.根据第三本书中介绍的Age 5 and older 和can create a heart or that those same two prints can create pigs, cats or bees? The book is filled with clever ideas可知.
10. D.推理判断题.文章主要介绍了四本书,因此可能出现在报纸的文学专栏.