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求译,总不是很理解.Do you believe in ghosts?I don't,eitlter-or at lea

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:百度作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/17 09:05:59
Do you believe in ghosts?I don't,eitlter-or at least I didn't until I heard a strange story the other day from Mr Mike Paton,of 19 Marlborough llill.
It all began on November 28,whcn Mr Paton's eight-ycar-old son,Bob ,was playing in the big back garden of his parents' house.He met an old man with a long white beard.The old man told Bob he was builcling the underground railway there,but Bob didn't believe him.Bob told me afterwards that he knew the underground ran under Marlborough Hill itself.The old man said there had been an accident the day before.Then he went away.
At first the Patons didn't believe Bob's story.Mrs Paton told me that Bob often made up stories about ghosts and monsters,like other children of his age.But Mr Paton was curious and decided that he would go to the library to check up on the facts.
He found that the railway compapy had started to build the line to the west of Marlborough Hill in 1881.but they had run into an underground river.Ten workmen had died in an accident and the Company had changed the direction of the line and built the present tunnel under Marlborough Hill.At first I didn't believe Mr Paton's storv either,so I did some research myself.
Inspector Bright of the Metropolitan Police said it was natural to find tramps in the district in winter,but no one had reported one answering the description I had given him since last August.
Mr Joseph Griffiths of London Transport checked the files on the accident for me.He told me that the accident had apparently taken place on or very near the junction of Marlborough Hill and Woodstock Avenue on 27 November 1881.Mr Paton's house stands on the corner!
The source of this extraordinary story was not affected by the news.'I told Mummy it was true,' young Bob Paton told me yesterday.When I left the house he was playing happily with his toy cars-in the garden!
求译,总不是很理解.Do you believe in ghosts?I don't,eitlter-or at lea
你相信有鬼魂么?起初我也不信,直到那天我听到了麦克.派顿(Mike Paton)先生讲的那个奇怪的马尔伯勒山(Marlborough Hill)的故事.
伦敦市交通署的乔瑟夫.格瑞分斯(Joseph Griffiths)先生帮我查了那场地铁事故的档案:在1881年11月27日,那场事故显然是发生在马尔伯勒山脉和伍兹多克(Woodstock)大街的交汇处,而派顿家就在这条大街的角落处!