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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:百度作业网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/07/31 15:22:47
"One of the most difficult things to give away is kindness,for it is usually returned." - Mark Ortman
With several major conventions in town,there was not a room to be rented anywhere.When an elderly couple walked in out of the 1 rain,the desk clerk 2 they would never find lodging.In an act of 3 ,he 4 them the only bed in town,his own bed.
The couple at first refused,but through 5 and kindness,he persuaded the couple to 6 his offer.When they 7 the next morning,the elderly gentleman said to the desk clerk ,"You are 8 person who should be managing the best hotel in the United States.Maybe 9 I'll build one." They chuckled about that and the elderly couple left.
The 10 and the elderly couple were forgotten by the desk clerk 11 two years 12 when he received a letter from the old man 13 he come up to New York and see him.There was a round-trip airline 14 with the letter.
The desk clerk thought,"Why not?" and took the 15 to New York.The old man met him at the airport and 16 took him to a construction site to show him an enormous castle-like structure 17 there.
"That," proclaimed the old man,"is the hotel I'm building for you to 18 "
The old man was William Waldorf Astor,and the hotel would 19 be known as the Waldorf-Astoria.The former desk clerk,George C.Boldt,20 the first manager.
1.A.freezing B.cold C.warm D.hot
2.A.knew B.realized C.recognized D.admired
3.A.friendship B.respect C.kindness D.mercy
4.A.supplied B.offered C.gave D.provided
5.A.cause B.thought C.arguement D.reason
6.A.receive B.get C.accept D.find
7.A.check out B.look out C.go out D.turn out
8.A.the kind of B.the next of C.the very D.the clever
9.A.some time B.sometimes C.sometime D.someday
10.A.affair B.matter C.incident D.thing
11.A.until B.before C.when D.as
12.A.then B.or so C.later D.after
13.A.requiring B.requesting C.demanding D.suggesting
14.A.money B.ticket C.timetable D.port
15.A.ride B.lift C.voyage D.flight
16.A.personlly B.attentively C.immediately D.eagerly
17.A.being built B.being made C.being prepared D.being completed
18.A.count B.possess C.control D.manage
19.A.that way B.so C.therefore D.soon
20.A.turned B.became C.designed D.practised
1-5 BACBD 6-10 CAADC 11-15 ACBBD 16-20CADDB
3、in an act of kindness善意的举动.mercy不要译成同情心,它的意思是仁慈、怜悯、宽恕,是比较大的一个词.用在这里不合适.
4、offer提供.gave是给,含有“送”的意思,显然不如offer合适.provide sb.with sth.这里没有介词.而offer sb.sth.不用介词.
6、accept one's offer接受某人的帮助、救济、提供的物品等等.属于固定搭配.receive是具体的收到,比如收到一封信.
7、check out 付费后离开.由于要结帐所以肯定比go out 好.
8、你是管理一所大旅馆的那种人.但我觉得the very也说得过去,表示就是那一个.
9、someday=one day=some day某一天,表示将来的某一天.sometimes有时,sometime未来的某一时间点,some times几次.
11、12、until two years later直到两年以后才想起来这件事.不用before因为强调直到两年以后才想起来,而不是在两年以前都一直忘记.
15、take the flight搭航班,固定搭配.voyage是航海.显然这里要飞过去(前面有机票的提示).
17、being built 正在被建.be动词表进行加被动.房子只能被built.
19、therefore和so用在这里的语序都不对,应该是therefore it would be named…….并且语境也不如soon好,因为前面说过还正在被建.
20、became成为.乔治原来不是经理,现在是了,有转变.A项的turn虽然也是转变,但通常是性质上的改变.例如The leaves are turning red.叶子正在变红.不如become合适.