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求英语作文 We all make a difference和Forgive but don't forget

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:百度作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/22 16:27:35
求英语作文 We all make a difference和Forgive but don't forget
We all make a difference 背景材料讲的是一滴干净的水为了体会变脏的感觉就把自己弄脏,害得整瓶水变脏,后来好不容易又变干净根据这个写读后感吧
Forgive but don't forget 这个材料讲一个单亲家庭的男孩,脾气暴躁,经常对他人恶语相向,说话刻薄,他爷爷叫他每次言语伤害他人后都钉一颗钉子在木板上,后来他有所改变,还主动道歉,于是又被命令把钉子全部拔下来,结果木板上留下了不可磨灭的痕迹,他奶奶说,当你向别人道歉时,就像把钉子拔下来,纵使你父亲伤害了你,你也不应该伤害别人 望耐心看一下背景材料
求英语作文 We all make a difference和Forgive but don't forget
Make a Difference for Kids,Inc.is non-profit,501(c)(3) organization promoting awareness and prevention of cyberbullying and suicide through education.
Suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death for Kentuckians 15-19 years-old.Almost as many teens die by suicide as those who die from all natural causes combined.We don't think that is how things should be.
We can all make a difference,it starts with you.(2)WHEN Will was 7 years old,his father abandoned him and his mom.Will was angry,and he often shouted hurtful words at others.He once told his mom:“I see why Dad left you!”
Unable to cope with Will,his mother sent him to his grandparents’ for the summer. Every time he said something mean (刻薄的),Will’s grandpa made him go into the garage and pound a nail (钉钉子) into a board.
再问: 你这篇我看过、现在重点是Forgive but don't forget 这篇、就说说自己的理解中文也没事