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begin 是瞬间动词 为什么还有had begun的用法?

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:百度作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/31 01:09:06
begin 是瞬间动词 为什么还有had begun的用法?
begin 是瞬间动词 为什么还有had begun的用法?
egin的确是瞬间动词,它完全可以用于现在完成时态,表示“……已经开始”.例如:When I got to the cinema,the film had already begun.(我到达影院时,电影已经开始了.)只不过瞬间动词不能够与表示一段时间的状语(如:for three days,since I came here等)连用,因为瞬间动词不能够延续;若要表示“……开始多久了”,常用be on表示,如:电影已经开始半个小时了.(The film has been on for about half an hour.) 类似的还有:
(1)I have bought a book.我买了一本书.
购买 buy ——have(拥有)
I bought the book two days ago.
I have had the book for three days.
(2)I have already borrowed a pen.我已经借来了一支钢笔.
I borrowed the pen last week.
I have kept the pen for a week.
He has been a Party member for three years.
He has been in the Party for three years.
It's three years since he became a Party member.
He became a Party member three years ago.