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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:百度作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/05 21:23:26


2009年8月,一个乔治叫她“妈”的女人 —— 实际上是一个从小就把他带大的阿姨 —— 给他买了一张灰狗巴士车票,从密苏里州去旧金山,又给了他一个地址,并说是他在旧金山的亲戚的地址.
突然间,乔治发现自己无家可归 —— 不过,不光是他一个.在美国,有近200万无家可归的年轻人.
之后他继续设法联系他的阿姨,但她没有接他的电话.去年春天的一天,在他高中毕业的前几天,她接了电话.他告诉她即将举行的毕业典礼,并邀请她前来观礼,但没有成功.然而,乔治不用独自庆祝自己的毕业.他在庇护所的朋友填补的空白,在毕业典礼当天,以他的名义,给他搞了一个惊喜派对.一年后,他发现自己再次踏上长途巴士之旅,但这次是出于一个幸福的因由—— 他找到住在北方的祖父母,并准备搬去与他们同住.
In August 2009,the woman George called "Mom" -- an aunt who had raised him since he was a baby -- bought him a Greyhound bus ticket from Missouri and gave him what she said was an address for relatives in San Francisco.
But before he arrived,George said he received some shocking news:His aunt told him,over the phone,that the address she provided was not for relatives but for a McDonald's restaurant.
All of a sudden,George found himself homeless -- and he wasn't alone.There are nearly two million homeless youth in America.
After sleeping on a tree for two weeks,without his family's help,George found a place to stay.At a library,he came upon the name of a shelter for teens run by Larkin Street Youth Services.He also reenrolled in school.
He kept trying to reach his aunt,who didn't answer his calls.One day last spring,days before his high school graduation,she answered the phone.He told her about his upcoming graduation ceremony and asked her to come but no avail.However,George didn't celebrate his graduation alone.His friends at the shelter filled the void,throwing a surprise party in his honor on his graduation day.A year later,he found himself taking a long bus trip once again,but this time for happier reasons -- he reconnected with his grandparents and was heading north to his new home with his grandparents.
Exactly why George was sent away remains a mystery.His aunt said that he attacked classmates,abused her children and was out of control.She said she had no choice but to get him away from her family at any cost.George denied that.When the police checked in,they found no record of serious behavioral problems.
As a homeless teenager,George is lucky,as many other homeless children in the US still have to sleep on the ground.They need your help!Please visit our website to know more about them.
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