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英语翻译A Few Words On Pronunciation I'd like to introduce you t

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A Few Words On Pronunciation
I'd like to introduce you to the pronunciation guide outlines in the following chart.There aren't too many characters that are different from the standard alphabet,but just so you'll be familiar with them,look at the chart.It shows eight tense vowels and six lax vowels and semivowels.Tense Vowels?Lax Vowels?
In some books,tense vowels are called long and lax vowels are called short.Since you will be learning how to lengthen vowels when they come before a voiced consonant,it would be confusing to say that hen has a long,short vowel.It is more descriptive to say that it has a lax vowel that is doubled or lengthened.
Although this may look like a lot of characters to learn,there are really only four new ones:ae,a,,and ü.Under Tense Vowels,you'll notice that the vowels that say their own name simply have a line over them:[ā],[ē],[ī],[ō],[ū].There are three other tense vowels.First,[a],is pronounced like the sound you make when the doctor wants to see your throat,or when you loosen a tight belt and sit down in a soft chair—aaaaaaaah!Next,you'll find [ae],a combination of the tense vowel [a] and the lax vowel [ε].It is similar to the noise that a goat or a lamb makes.The last one is [aeo],a combination of [ae] and [o].This is a very common sound,usually written as ow or ou in words like down or round.
A tense vowel requires you to use a lot of facial muscles to produce it.If you say [ē],you must stretch your lips back; for [ū] you must round your lips forward; for [a] you drop your jaw down; for [ae] you will drop your jaw far down and back; for [ā] bring your lips back and drop your jaw a bit; for [ī] drop your jaw for the ah part of the sound and pull it back up for the ee part; and for [ō] round the lips,drop the jaw and pull back up into [ū].An American [ō] is really [ōū].
Now you try it.Repeat after me.[ē],[ū],[ā],[ae],[a],[ī],[ō].
A lax vowel,on the other hand,is very reduced.In fact,you don't need to move your face at all.
You only need to move the back of your tongue and your throat.These sounds are very different from most other languages.
Under Lax Vowels,there are four reduced vowel sounds,starting with the Greek letter epsilon [ε],pronounced eh; [i] pronounced ih,and [ü] pronounced ü,which is a combination of ih and uh,and the schwa,],pronounced uh—the softest,most reduced,most relaxed sound that we can produce.It is also the most common sound in English.The semivowels are the American R (pronounced er,which is the schwa plus R) and the American L (which is the schwa plus L).
Vowels will be covered in greater detail in Chapters 3,8,and 11.
英语翻译A Few Words On Pronunciation I'd like to introduce you t
我来为你介绍一下下面图表中的发音指导的概述.与标准字母表不同的字符(characters)并不多,但就算如此你也将会对他们熟悉起来,看图.它有八个tense元音和六个lax元音还有半元音.Tense 原因?Lax 原因?
在一些书中,tense 元音被叫做长元音,lax元音被叫做短元音.当你正学着如何延长在一个(要发音的辅音)前面的元音时,或许会很疑惑的说hen(母鸡) 有一个长又短的元音.更准确的描述是,他有一个被双次发音或延长发音的lax元音.
虽然看起来我们有许多的字符需要去学习,但确实只有四个新的:ae,a,,和ü.在Tense 元音下,你会注意到,说这些元音自身的名字时,在他们上方都有一条线:[ā],[ē],[ī],[ō],[ū].有三种另外的tense元音.第一种,[a],它的发音就像医生想要看你的喉咙时,你发出的声音,或者是当你解开一条紧系着你的安全带并且坐上了柔软的椅子时——aaaaaaaah!第二种,你会发现[ae],(梅花音)tense元音[a]和lax元音[ε]的混合体.他听起来跟山羊或者羊羔发出的声音差不多(嘿嘿,如果是成都人的话,他们天生就会发这个音~).最后一个是[aeo],[ae]和[o]的混合体.这是很常见的声音,经常被写作ow或者ou,在down或者round这样的词语中.
一个tense元音需要你用脸部的肌肉来发音.如果你说[ē],你必须把嘴唇伸展回去; [ū]呢,你必须让自己的嘴唇变园; 而对于[a] ,你需要把下颚放低; 对[ae]你需要把你的下颚放低再复原; 对于[ā],把你的嘴唇收回去,并且稍微放低下颚;[ī]呢,就要在ah这个部分放低下颚然后在ee这个部分复原; 对于[ō]嘴唇成圆形,放低下颚再拉回来发出[ū]这个音.在美国 [ō]就是[ōū].
现在你试试,跟着我读 [ē],[ū],[ā],[ae],[a],[ī],[ō].
在Lax元音下,有四个降低了的元音,从希腊字母[ε]开始,发音发作eh; [i] 发作ih,而[ü]发作ü,是ih和uh的混合体,schwa(Ĵ),],发作uh—这是我们能够发出的最柔软的最被降低了的音.这也是英语中最常见的声音.半元音是美式英语中的R (发作er,是schwa(Ĵ)和R加到一起的) ,而美式英语中的L (是schwa加上L).
元音将会在第3,8和11章中被更为详细的介绍in Chapters 3,8,and 11.