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总结英文大意用一段话写这篇文章的大意,Where on earth could we findenough oil to

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:百度作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/31 12:43:41
Where on earth could we find
enough oil to power more than 60
million cars for 60 years?And enough
natural gas to heat 160 million
households for 60 years?
You might be surprised to learn
that the answer is right here,in
America – 116 billion barrels of oil
and 651 trillion cubic feet of natural
gas,just on federal lands.
But,as the saying goes,
these vital domestic resources
are often “so close,yet so
far.” Why?Because current
government policies – a tangled
mix of federal and state
regulatory restrictions – put a
large portion of these oil and
natural gas resources,many
on the Outer Continental Shelf
(OCS),off-limits to production.
In fact,the U.S.government
estimates that there are 36 billion
barrels of undiscovered technically
recoverable oil on federal lands
currently closed to development.New
technological breakthroughs allow us
to tap these resources,even in “ultra
deep waters,” while protecting fragile
marine environments.Recently,oil
and natural gas companies employed
advanced technologies to discover
vast amounts of new oil and natural
gas in the Gulf of Mexico – resources
beyond our technical reach just a
few years ago.
The U.S.Department of
Energy predicts America will need
19 percent more energy in 2030
than we used in 2006.Meeting this
demand,and ensuring our future
energy security,requires developing
more energy from more sources,
including our own oil and natural
gas resources.
Oil and natural gas not only
heat our homes and fuel transportation,
they also provide the building
blocks for everything from medicines
to advanced communications
equipment.And developing America’s
untapped energy resources means
a stronger economy and more
American jobs.That’s real economic
stimulus – and it would allow
increased funding for federal,state
and local government budgets.
Oil and natural gas make
possible our unequaled quality of
life.Ensuring such for future
Americans will require policies that
permit responsible,respectful access
to America’s plentiful domestic oil
and natural gas resources.These
valuable resources are within our
reach.Let’s work together to realize
their potential.
总结英文大意用一段话写这篇文章的大意,Where on earth could we findenough oil to
Nowadays when the nature resource is limited,here in USA still have a big number of gas and nature oil restore.Although,it's not open for development,many scientist are trying to find ways to dig them out.Nature resources have been needed in every place in this world,so we need to promote more than we thought,this means,here in USA we need to provide more jobs and stronger educationgs to enrich out economy.This isn't only the government's problem,but also ours,so let's work together to reach out goals.