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My day with Canada’s cops

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:百度作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/09 01:46:14
My day with Canada’s cops
In high school,all Canadian students take part in a very exciting event.It is “Take Your Children to Work Day”.Students will have a chance to work with their parents.My day took place in my mom’s work,the York Region Police Department(局).
When I arrived,a coach(教练) was teaching the officers basic combat skills(格斗技巧).Everyone tried their best to practice.I could see them sweating and panting(喘气).
The most exciting part of my visit was a stop at the 911 Communication Center.911 is the same as 110,119 and 120 in China.Every 911 call in the city is answered here.When I entered the center,I stood beside a call dispatcher(分派人员) and watched him dealing with the calls.
Suddenly,the phone rang,he picked it up and a woman cried for help.There was a robbery in her house.The call dispatcher told her:“Please calm down and move to the safe place quietly.Don’t fight with them.Just let them take what they want.Please make sure you are not hurt.We are sending officers there.”
He followed the call and found the address.The call dispatcher chose the five closest police cars from the satellite map and clicked to send the policemen.I saw the police cars from the satellite map were quickly moving to the woman’s house.Five minutes later,they arrived.I asked the call dispatcher why he sent five cars.He said:“There are different levels of emergencies.Robbery is a high priority(优先),so we have to send five cars.”
The day was interesting.I learned how the different departments work together.The officers were very friendly and admirable.
61.What’s the best title for the passage?
A.An exciting day at a Police Department.B.Robbery is a high priority
C.How the police saved the woman.D.The 911 Communication Center.
62.What is the correct time line according to the passage?
a.A woman cried for help on the phone
b.A coach was teaching the policeman combat skills.
c.The writer visited the911 Communication Center.
d.The police quickly arrived at the woman’s house
A.bcda B.bcad C.cbad D.cdab
63.What would the woman probably do after dialing 911?
A.Fight bravely against the robbers.
B.Find a safe place to hide
C.Ask the robbers not to hurt her or take anything away from her house
D.Ask her neighbors to help her catch the robbers.
64.Why could the policeman arrive at the woman’s house quickly?
A.Because they practiced hard every day.B.Because the woman’s neighbor dialed 911.
C.Because of the high technology used by the police.D.Because robbery is a high priority.
65.What can be inferred from the text?
A.Robbery is common in the region.
B.The satellite map is helpful to the police.
C.The mother of the writer is head of the police department.
D.All the robbers were caught and the woman was saved.
My day with Canada’s cops
61A 62B 63B 64D 65B