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I remember it was the first day I went to college.

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:百度作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/16 13:51:16
I remember it was the first day I went to college.
好吧,我来问这个问题,这样的定语从句,可用that也可不填,that此处是作关系副词是不是,但是去掉I remeber是个强调句吧.I still remember the day when I first came to the school.这句呢.
I remember it was the first day I went to college.
请耐心看:I remember it was the first day I went to college.这句话中决不能用“that”,that并不是关系副词,它是关系代词.定语从句中关系代词有:who,whom,whose,which,as等;关系副词有:when,where,why等.以上几个是最常用的.
这句话涉及两个句型,从整句来看,它是名词性从句,名词性从句与定语从句一样也是一大重要句型.名词性从句包括:表语从句,宾语从句,主语从句,同位语从句.这里一整句是宾语从句.因为remember是动词,它势必要加宾语.这里句型结构是:I remember (that)+宾语从句.而“it was the first day I went to college“则是由that引导的宾语从句.在宾语从句中引导词that可以省略,所以我们看到这一整句话中remember与it之间没有that也可以.
另一句型,就是你所疑惑的定语从句.我们可去掉I remember,单单来看“it was the first day I went to college”这句.这是一句定语从句,从句与主句之间(即I went to college与it was the first day 之间)关系词千万不能用that,而应用when.when在从句中做状语,不能省略.修饰的是day这一时间名词.通俗来讲when就等同于in which.所以这句话正确写法应是it was the first day when(in which) I went to college.我是“在”那第一天去上学的,"in which"中的"in"就强调了这个“在”.相当于I went to college in the first day.
注意:如果这句话是it was in the first day ____ i went to college.那么下划线上应填that,因为原句中已有in ,即in the first day这一状语已经饱满,无残缺.这个时候用that才组成了强调句.
再问: 谢谢,你讲得多了。。when当然ok~哦,或者in which= =我知道,that一般是关系代词,但是它也能作关系副词(比如先行词是the way或the reason),而先行词有序数词修饰不是得用that的么。但是,这两种情况在这里不同时满足是吧。。 说回状语,The first day I entered the firm, the boss gave me a hard furrow to plough.这里 the first day难道不是时间状语?不用介词吧。
再答: 很抱歉一开始没考虑到你所新涉及的问题。that正如你所说,,有时确实可充当回关系副词。在表示方式,时间,或地点的先行词后,常用that来替代in which ,when,where;that也可以省略。that在句中充当副词使用,只引导定语从句,不作任何成分。被修饰的先行词常为the way(方法);the time(次数);the direction(方向);the day(s);the place ;the reason等。例举:this is the third time (that/for which)he has been late this week。 我们再来讨论回状语题,The first day I entered the firm, the boss gave me a hard furrow to plough这句话中the first day 是状语,完全正确。你拿出这么个句子,又涉及了另一大句型:时间状语从句。The first day I entered the firm这句就是时间状语从句。时间状语从句有一大知识点:表示时间的名词短语也可以引导时间状语从句,且意义丰富,如:any time;the first time第一次.......时;the last time最后一次.......时;by time到......时候。列句:By the time I went to school,I had learnt more than 200 words。当然你所说的这句也可成为很不错的列句。这种时候当然不用介词,但在定语从句中就不能相同而论了。万万不可混淆啊。
再问: 那一句话就是,这里that不用于在the first day后作关系副词使用,而先行词有序数词修饰用that,是作代词。是吧。
再答: 跟据我第二次所讲的,that可用于the first day后作关系副词使用,that充当关系副词使用时前面先行词应是什么,前面已有论述。而先行词有序数词修饰可以用that,注意我只说是可以,但不是绝对只能用that。看看例句:This is the third time (that/for which)he has been late this week。这是他本周内第三次迟到。 that充当关系副词
再问: “这是一句定语从句,从句与主句之间(即I went to college与it was the first day 之间)关系词千万不能用that,” 这是什么。。
再答: 很抱歉,一开始,没想到that可以做关系副词,因为它一般都做关系代词。在表示方式,时间或地点的先行词后,常用that来替代in which ,when,where。这表明有时它可充当关系副词。但一般来说还是使用in which ,when,where会确保无误一点。我补充一点关系副词一般是在句中不省略的,但在the time ;every time;each time;by the time;the moment;the place;the way等名词后,关系副词可省略。如:The moment (when)I saw him,I told him the news。但如果实在纠结何时可以省何时不该省,那就干脆不省略吧,毕竟在你选对关系副词的前提下,这一定是对的。