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英语翻译Every time a sound is made,there is some vibrating objec

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:百度作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/18 16:19:35
Every time a sound is made,there is some vibrating object somewhere.Something is moving back and forth rapidly.Sound starts with a vibrating object.But sound from its source to the hearer.This is called “a medium”.A medium can be almost anything,air,water,object,even the earth.The Indians used to put their ears to the ground to hear a distant noise!No medium no sound.If you create a vacuum space where there is no air or any other thing,sound cannot travel through it.the reason for this is that sound travels in waves.2.Most people began to count in tens because they had ten fingers on their hands.But in some countries,people counted on one hand and used the three parts of each of their four fingers.So they counted in twelves,not in tens.Perhaps because of this the Egyptians divided the day into twelve hours,and later scientists divided the circle into twelve parts of 30.People also used the number twelve parts.The old British money was the same,there were twelve pence in a shilling.But strangely there were twenty shillings in a pound.Today many people in Europe still count eggs in twelves.They buy “a dozen” eggs in a shop,or they buy “half-a—dozen” eggs.They do not buy eggs in ten or fives3.Here is a good idea of future cars.There will be electronic tracks everywhere in the streets.Electronic cars will run on these tracks.All the tracks and all the cars will be controlled by a great computer.For example,if you want to go from your school to a large factory,you just go out of the school and get into one of those cars outside.Then you press the button for the factory.A signal is sent from the car to press the central computer and the computer finds the route.The car takes you to the factory at high speed,easy!Don’t you think it is a good idea for the future?If we really want to realize it,we must do something:we do not want to live in noisy,dirty cities,do we?
英语翻译Every time a sound is made,there is some vibrating objec
大部分人以10为基数单位是因为他们有10个手指头.但是在一些国家,人们用一只手基数,他们把手指分为三部分,每个部分4个手指,所以他们用12而不是10作为基数.也许因为这个,埃及人把一天分为12个小时,后来科学家把每年分为12个月,每个月30天,人们还是用12作为基数计数.以前的英国货币也是如此,12便士为一先令,奇怪的是一英镑却等于20先令.如今,欧洲的很多人还是用12为基数数鸡蛋,他们在店里面买“一打”鸡蛋,或者是 “半打”鸡蛋,却不会说买10个或者5个鸡蛋.