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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:百度作业网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/06/28 12:23:59
Book 4 Module 2 参考答案及部分解析
1-5 CAABC 6-10 CCBAB
11-15 ACCBB 16-20 ACBBC
21-25 ACDAB 26-30 BDCBD
31-35 BDBAC 36-40 CBBAC
41-45 ADDAC 46-50 BDBAB
51-55 CDCAA 56-60 AADBA
61-65 BACAC 66-70 ADCCA
71-75 ADFBG
76. To warn people not to copy her example.
77. Limited. / Controlled.
78. Because her body doesn ’t agree with those foods any more.
79. Because she wants to have a child / family.
80. People, especially young girls, who want to keep thin, shouldn’t go on a diet at the cost of their health.
81. ... a school library ... a → the
82. ... while I suddenly ... while → when
83. ... in his twenty ... twenty → twenties
84. ... I was confusing ... confusing → confused
85. ... came closely to ... closely → close
86. She was a thief ! She → He
87. ... didn’t seem notice ... notice前加to
88. After I could take ... After → Before
89. ... caught up him. 去掉up
90. ... who was exercising ... was → were
One possible version:
The causes of traffic jams
The problem of traffic jams is becoming serious in our city. There are several causes of this problem.
In my view, the first cause is the great increase in private cars. Cars take up more space but they carry fewer people. The second one is the slow improvement of the roads. With a large population and numbers of automobiles increasing, some roads still remain unimproved, which is a big problem. The last cause is that some people don’t obey the traffic rules. Many people cross the streets even when the traffic lights are red, which affects the flow of traffic.
Traffic jams are an urgent problem because they concern our life and work. However, the solution to the problem relies on the efforts of everyone.
21. A。under construction 正在建设之中;alternative 意为“可供选择的办法或方案”,在此为可数名词,故第二空用不定冠词。
22. C。be worth doing值得做某事。
23. D。由heavy traffic jams 可知,“自行车比汽车便捷很多”,故用convenient。
24. A。Why not后常跟动词原形。
25. B。in a(n) ... mood 有…… 心情;be stuck in被困在……。
26. B。由for we only take goods back if customers can show it 可知,发话者是在提醒答话者拿好收据(receipt)。
27. D。题意为“只要有把剪刀,我奶奶就能立刻(in no time)剪出漂亮的花样”。
28. C。由the first time 可知“我们首次来到乡下,探索(explore)这里最好的方式是步行”。
29. B。由every day 可知,在此应用一般现在时,且provide 与It (指lunch)之间为逻辑上的动宾关系,故用被动语态。
30. D。由I bought a bicycle yesterday 可知,“(自行车)使我今后四处出行(get around)方便了”。
31. B。由exhibition 可知,“这个城市一年举办两次的展览给了本地艺术家展示(display)他们作品的机会。”
32. D。由admire 及even under heavy pressure of anger 可知,keep cool(保持冷静)符合题意。
33. B。由you’ll be fined by the police 可知,or(否则)符合题意。本句使用了“祈使句+ or +陈述句”句型。
34. A。题意为“莫莉是个聪明的女孩。她学得快,而且(what’s more)她能记住她所学的。”as a result 结果;now and then 偶尔,有时;in other words 换句话说。
35. C。由I couldn’t understand a word of it可知,It nearly drove me mad(这简直使我发疯)符合语境。It was a crazy idea这是个疯狂的想法;That was great 太棒了;It was totally fascinating 这真迷人。
36. C。作者在商场给妈妈买礼物时,一位陌生人“截下了(stopped)”作者。
37. B。这位陌生人告诉作者他的“钱包(purse)”丢了。文中多次出现的purse 提示了本题答案。
38. B。这位陌生人给了作者自己的名片,希望作者如果看到了他的钱包,“打电话(call)给他。下段中的so I called him提示了本题答案。
39. A。由下文作者终于选好了礼物可知,作者答应了这位陌生人,然后“继续(continued)”购物。
40. C。最后作者“挑选了(picked)”一个带有天使图案的玻璃碟子做礼物。
41. A。当作者“付钱(pay)”时,他才发现自己忘带钱包了。
42. D。“商场马上就要关门了”与“这是作者给妈妈买礼物的最后的机会”之间为因果关系,故since 符合此处语境。
43. D。作者走投无路,只能去街上乞求人们给他点“钱(money)”。
44. A。分号前后两句为并列关系,表现了路人的冷漠:有些人认为作者“疯(crazy)”了,有些人完全不理作者。
45. C。最后作者只好“ 放弃(giving up)”,垂头丧气地坐在了路边的长凳上。
46. B。这时,作者“注意到(noticed)”长凳下有个钱包。
47. D。作者只有“打开(opened)”钱包才能看到里面的东西。
48. B。钱包失而复得,失主自然很“激动(excited)”。
49. A。50. B。失主一面道谢,一面“检查(checked)”钱包里的钱款和卡是否“仍然(still)”都在。
51. C。失主说他从来没见过一个孩子能把所有的钱都“归还(return)”。
52. D。既然是丢失的钱,那么捡到的人即使拿走了也不会有人“ 知道(knowing)”。
53. C。失主给了作者一些钱,解决了作者的燃眉之急,作者自然要“谢谢(thanked)”他。
54. A。55. A。根据下句Double angels!可知,对于失主来说,作者归还了他的钱包,那么作者就是他的圣诞“天使(angel)”;对于作者来说,这位失主解决了他由于忘带钱包而带来的麻烦,那么他也“一样(same)”是作者的圣诞天使。
56. A。细节理解题。根据gifts of time and talent 前的句子And don’t forget — not everyone needs a store-bought gift. Beacham points out that some of the best presents are free可推测,gifts of time and talent 应该是指不需要花钱在商店买,而是花费时间、开动脑筋自己做成的礼物。
57. A。细节理解题。根据第三段中的The key to budgeting is staying within the boundaries you’ve set for yourself可知答案。
58. D。细节理解题。根据文章中的For a friend, create a work of art, like a poem, a drawing or a necklace 可知答案。
59. B。主旨大意题。如何准备节日礼物是一门学问,作者不仅就如何为买节日礼物做预算提出了建议,还列出了一些自制礼物的建议。
60. A。细节理解题。根据第一段中的Most of the people taking part in the research, men and women, reported that they didn’t feel any stress at all. Even with that report, their saliva told a different story. In fact, people are under stress while in traffic and not even realizing it可知答案。
61. B。细节理解题。根据第二段中的Men are more likely to have much less patience than women. That is why their stress levels are so much higher than women when they are sitting still in traffic可知答案。
62. A。词义猜测题。最后一段主要劝诫人们先减压、后开车,所以在放松时听的音乐应该是轻柔的音乐。
63. C。细节理解题。根据第一段中的British researchers for the GPS company TomTom used saliva to decide the stress levels可知答案。
64. A。推理判断题。根据第一段中的Before I was born, my parents lived in Turkey. They ate a lot of Turkish pistachios and loved their special taste可推测,父亲在移居美国后种开心果树是因为喜欢吃开心果。
65. C。推理判断题。根据第二段中的As I looked at the thin and weak trees, I thought, in no way were these dead-looking sticks going to grow anything 可推测,作者在看到细细小小的树苗时,很担忧它们长不出任何东西。
66. A。段落大意题。第三段主要介绍了作者一家第一次收获开心果以及现在收获开心果的情况,不仅介绍了所用的工具,还介绍了开心果的结果周期等。A项最为全面,其余各项过
本文是记叙文。文章介绍了树屋建筑师Jonathan Fairoaks。
67. D。细节理解题。根据第三段中的“It was delightful — like being on a ship because it moved with the wind,” Jonathan says. “It was the most fun I’d ever had.”可知答案。
68. C。细节理解题。根据第五段中的He attaches man-made limbs to the tree to support the tree house 可知答案。
69. C。细节理解题。根据第五段中的As an arborist, Jonathan tries to never harm the trees 可知,Jonathan 在设计树屋时会尽力保护好树木本身。
70. A。标题归纳题。本文介绍了树屋建筑师Jonathan Fairoaks 对于树屋生活的喜爱以及他对树屋的设计,A项形象生动地概括了树屋生活的特点,故最适合作为本文标题。
1-5 DABAD 6-10 BBACA
1. D。推理判断题。根据第二段末的 she never seemed to need the recipes but everything she made tasted delicious 可知,作者祖母的烘烤技术很高。
2. A。细节理解题。根据第二段中的 the one thing I liked better than watching game shows with my grandmother was helping her bake 及第三段中的The day she let me separate the eggs, I felt like I had found complete pleasure可知答案。
3. B。词义猜测题。作者在尝试新的做法的时候,向祖母电话求助,最有可能是她遇到了棘手的问题。thorny 的意思是“棘手的”,与difficult含义接近。
4. A。写作目的题。由最后一段可知,虽然祖母十年前已经去世,但是作者仍然每天想念祖母。祖母不仅教会了作者做面点,还教会了作者生活的哲理。故可判断,作者撰写此文是为了纪念祖母。
5. D。写作手法题。作者以时间为主线,描写了小时候和祖母一起烘烤食物的美好回忆。
本文是新闻。美国青少年Lou 创办了著名的动物保护组织KAAC。
6. B。推理判断题。根据第三、四段可知,Lou 在动物收容所当志愿者的经历让他认识到,无家可归的动物们最终的结局将是安乐死,这使他非常难过。因此他决定创办这个动物保护组织。
7. B。细节理解题。根据第六段中的 The group receives more attention whenever Lou hits the red carpet or the airwaves ... at events where Lou will be photographed, he’s seldom without
a T-shirt with a KAAC logo可知答案。
8. A。细节理解题。由倒数第三段中的Tommy Joe 前的句子helped save a shelter dog that might have otherwise been euthanized 可知,Tommy Joe 是一只动物收容所的小狗。
9. C。细节理解题。根据第五段中的 Now it has more than 12,000 U.S. members and 50,000 members and supporters across the globe可知答案。
10. A。推理判断题。通读全文可知,Lou 虽然年幼,甚至都不到选举年龄,但他通过自己的努力,创办了一个保护动物的组织,并竭尽所能地让人们了解这个组织,取得了一定的成绩。作者在文中表露了对于Lou 的所作所为的赞扬。