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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:百度作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/21 12:04:25
It was an early morning in summer.In the streets,sleepy-eyed people were moving quickly,heading towards their41.This was the beginning of another 42 day in New York City.43 this day was to be different.Waiting 44 the crowded streets,on top of a 45 110 stories high,was Philippe Petit.This daring Frenchman was about to 46 a tightrope (绷索) between the two towers of the World Trade Center.Philippe took his first47 with great care.The wire held.Now he was 48he could do it .49 only a balancing pole,Philippe walked his way across,a 50 of 131 feet.Soon the rush-hour 51 began to notice.What a 52 There,1350 feet above the street ,a 53 figure was walking on air .Philippe made seven 54 ,back and forth(来回).He wasn't satisfied with just 55.At times,he would turn,sit down,and 56 go on his knees.Once,he had the astonishing 57 to lie down on the thin thread.And thousands of 58 watchers stared with their hearts beating fast.After the forty-five -minute 59,Philippe was taken to the police station.He was asked 60 he did it.Philippe shrugged(耸肩) and said,"When I see two tall buildings,I walk".
41.A.jobs B.homes C.buses D.offices
42.A.working B.hot C.same D.ordinary
43.A.And B.SoC.But D.Thus
44.A.for B.in C.by D.above
45.A.roof B.position C.wall D.building
46.A.throw B.walk C.climb D.fix
47.A.act B.landing C.step D.trip
48.A.sure B.uncertain C.glad D.nervous
49.A.Through B.Against C.With D.On
50.A.distance B.height C.space D.rope
51.A.streets B.crowds C.passengers D.city
52.A.height B.pleasure C.wonder D.danger
53.A.great B.strange C.public D.tiny
54.A.experiments B.circles C.trips D.movements
55.A.walking B.staying C.acting D.showing
56.A.almost B.even C.often D.rather
57.A.spirit B.result C.strength D.courage
58.A.patient B.terrified C.pleased D.enjoyable
59.A.show B.trick C.try D.program
60.A.how B.why C.whether D.when
41.A 42.D 43.C 44.D 45.D
46.B 47.C 48.A 49.C 50.A
51.B 52.C 53.D 54.B 55.A
56.B 57.D 58.B 59.A 60.B
这是夏日的一个清晨.街道上,睡眼惺忪的人们脚步匆匆,奔向他们的工作岗位.这是纽约市另一个普通一天的开始.但这一天有所不同.在拥挤街道的上方,在一座110层高建筑的顶部,Philippe Petit正在等待着.这位大胆的法国人即将走过悬挂在世贸中心双子塔之间的绷索.Philippe小心翼翼地迈出了第一步.绷索很稳.现在他确信他可以走完全程.Philippe手中只拿了一根平衡杆,走过了131英尺.很快上班高峰期的人们开始注意到Philippe.多壮观啊!在街道上方1350英尺处的高空,一个小小的身影正在空中行走.Philippe来来回回转了七个圈,他不满足于仅仅在空中行走.他一次又一次地转身、坐下、甚至跪着膝行.还有一次,他显示出惊人的勇气,躺在细细的绳索上.成千上万提心吊胆的观众注视着这一切,心跳加速.45分钟的惊险表演之后,Philippe被带到警局,被问为什么要做这些.Philippe耸耸肩说道:“每当我看到两座高大建筑时,就会走.”