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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:百度作业网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/08/01 02:27:31
Depression is not a choice. Rather, it is a true medical condition like high blood pressure or heart disease. In the United States alone, more than 17 million people suffer from depression with women being twice as likely as men to suffer from the disease. Depression crosses racial and socioeconomic lines. Anyone can suffer from it, and those that do are not “crazy” or “weak”. They have a serious yet highly treatable disease.
Feeling down? You’re not alone. If depression seems pretty common, it is. One in every ten adults suffers from depression. And that’s what has scientists confused. If depression causes harm to the body, why is it so widespread in the population? Some scientists think they may have the answer. Depression may have an evolutionary (进化) benefit. It may improve one’s chances of fighting off infection (感染).
Scientists have known that depressed people show an immunoreactive(免疫反应性的) condition known as inflammation (炎症),even when they are not infected. For several years they have been finding that genes (基因) linked to depression also affect the function of the immune system. Stress, which can lead to depression, also change the immune system. These findings suggested that depression was somehow linked to the body’s ability to fight disease .
抑郁症不是一种选择。更贴切地说,抑郁症是像高血压或心脏病一样真实存在的疾病。仅仅在美国就有超过一千七百万人收到抑郁症的困扰,其中女性患者是男性患者的2倍。抑郁症是不分种族和社会经济条件的。每个人都可能被抑郁症困扰,包括那些既非 “疯子”也不是“弱者”的人,他们也会有严重的抑郁症,但是它的治愈率是非常高的。