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In the summer vacation of 1997 , I was fixed with a job . I

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:百度作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/02 15:19:45

In the summer vacation of 1997 , I was fixed with a job . I worked as a(n)     36   at Mr. Breen’s fruit shop .The fruit shop did    37    business . Most of the trade came from the housewives who lived in the neighbourhood,      38     he also had regular customers who arrived outside the shop in cars . Mr Breen    39    them all by name and they sometimes even had their order already made up , always     40   me to carry it out to their car . They were clearly long-standing customers , and I     41     they must have stayed faithful to him   42     he had promised to sell good quality     43   . He had a way with them —I had to    44      that . He called every woman “madam” for a start ,    45    those who clearly were not, but when he     46   it , it did not sound like flattery (奉承). It just sounded      47    in an old-fashioned way . He was a great chatter     48   . If he did not know them , he would greet them with a few    49    about the weather ,     50    he did , he would ask about their families or make    51    , always cutting his cloth    52    his customers . Whatever their bills came to , be      53    gave them back the few odd pence (零钱), and I am sure they thought he was very generous (慷慨). But I thought he was the opposite . He never    54    anything away . He was always looking for     55   for nothing .
36.A.operator        B.assistant      C.waiter              D.secretary
37.A.good           B.poor        C.big                 D.usual
38.A.so                 B.when          C.therefore          D.but
39.A.sold           B.knew          C.gave          D.sent
40.A.making        B.letting       C.getting             D.keeping
41.A.wish          B.insist         C.declare        D.suppose
42.A.when         B.if              C.because            D.though
43.A.food          B.fruit            C.vegetables   D.drink
44.A.admit         B.expect         C.announce   D.promise
45.A.yet            B.only            C.just                D.even
46.A.told           B.said                C.spoke        D.talked
47.A.serious          B.strange        C.polite             D.familiar
48.A.as well          B.as usual     C.either             D.also
49.A.sayings          B.questions   C.words        D.speeches
50.A.and then        B.and so       C.even if            D.but if
51.A.preparations   B.jokes           C.repairs       D.friends
52.A.according to   B.due to                C.instead of  D.up to
53.A.never           B.ever            C.seldom             D.always
54.A.took          B.moved       C.threw       D.turned .
55.A.something      B.anything      C.somebody  D.anybody
In the summer vacation of 1997 , I was fixed with a job . I

36—40 BADBC  41—45 DCBAD 46—50 BCACD  51—55 BADCA

36.解析:operator接线员、操作员,assistant伙计、助手,waiter餐馆服务员,secretary 秘书,根据工作地点是fruit shop可知选B。
37.解析:根据“he also had regular customers”可知生意很好,good business。
38.解析:outside the shop in cars和neighborhood一个是远道而来,一个是邻居,是相反的,
39.解析:them指的是顾客,另外根据by name,所以用knew。
40.解析:根据后面to carry可知选getting,make和let后面跟do something,而keep后面
42.解析:faithful to him和he had promised to sell good quality忠实的顾客和承诺卖给好的商品是因果关系。
43.解析:根据第二句可知Mr  Breen开的是水果店,所以供应fruit。
44.解析:我不得不承认,用admit。expect 希望、预料,announce宣布,promise保证。
45.解析:即使看上去不是madam,表示Mr  Breen待人有礼貌,选even。
47.解析:根据上句did not sound like flattery可以推断是彬彬有礼,选polite。
48.解析:a great chatter和前面待人有礼貌是递进关系,用as well。also要用在was前。
49.解析:saying谚语,question问题,words闲谈,speech演讲。和上句的chatter呼应,Mr Breen即使对不认识的顾客也要聊一两句天气。
50.解析:和上句if he did not know them对应,选but if。
51.解析:和陌生人谈天气,和熟人开玩笑,选make jokes。make preparation作准备,make repairs修理,make friends交朋友,都不通。
52.解析:cut one’s cloth according to因人而异。
54.解析:别人认为Mr  Breen慷慨,而“我”认为相反,因而Mr  Breen从来不丢掉什么。
55.解析:something某物。从上文可以看出,Mr  Breen是既“大方”又“小气”的人,他能够在“无”中找出某种东西来。