作业帮 > 英语 > 作业


来源:学生作业帮 编辑:百度作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/31 04:36:49
your company wants to improve work environment in the office .talk together for about 2 minutes about some of the things that are important for this and decide which three would be the most important.here some ideas to help you .(file cabinet,furniture,potted plants,air,lighting,tidiness.colours used,redusing noise.)
2.your company is looking for a new supplier,Talk for about 2 minutes about what is important when choosing a supplier and decide which three factors are the most important.here are some ideas to help you .(flexibility,quality,price,reputation.)
3.you have been asked to carry out market research for a new brand of cosmetic.
talk together for about 2 minutes about what methods can be used and decide which 3 would be the most effective.(interview,e-mailing,telephoning,问卷调查,广告宣传,促销,反馈单)
培训学校有韦博,英孚,华尔街,昂立,立达国际英语这几大培训机构,模式都这儿刚开了 基础英语预备班,英语基础加强班,个人感觉这儿学习对提高口语真的