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When you ear out or go to a dinner party,it'spolite to follo

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:百度作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/11 21:05:45
When you ear out or go to a dinner party,it'spolite to follow good table manners.they can make both___and hosts comfortable.Here are some tips for you.First you should know what to say when the hostess____you some food.If you don't want a helping of a___,you just say"No,thanks".If it___good and you are hungry ,you should say"yes,please" Eat with____and knives.You must keep them in right hands.If you don't know how to use them just follow others.It's__to take if your mouth is full of food.If you feel you must sperk___,just wait until there is no food in your mouth.It is never polite to leave the table immediately after___up your food.That is bad__!Instead,you must ask the hostess,"May I be excused?"Usually,the hostess will tell you that you can leave the table.Sometimes you may wait for others to____ 10个空 有course finfsh look guest polite imagine cook eat give immediately manner fork 可做变形,多余2个 每个用1次
When you ear out or go to a dinner party,it'spolite to follo
guests  2.gives  3.course   4.looks  5.forks  6.impolite  7.immediately  8.eating  9.manners  10.finish     另外你的题里面有两处错误拼写哦~1.第一行第三个词应该是eat;2.倒数第五行的空后面应该是talk~祝你学习愉快~望采纳!如果需要解释就私信我昂~