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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:百度作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/07 08:40:23
another . other . others . the other . an other . 的区别和用法
解题思路: 如下
one, other, the other, others, the others, another等的用法
○→●(one…the other…)表示只有两者的情况下,一个与另一个的关系。
I have two friends.One is a teacher and the other is a doctor.
○→●●●(one…the others…)侧重列举多数人或物中的一个与其余全部。
They have four children. One is a girl, the others are boys.
I don’t like this pair of shoes. Would you please show me another pair?
○○○→●●●●(some…the others…)列举多数人或物中的一部分和其余全部。
Some students are reading, the others are drawing pictures.
Last Sunday, some students went to the Great Wall, others stayed at home.
the other, the others 加有the 表示其余的全部。
the others, others 加有s表示该单词为名词性质,后面不加名词。
other, the other后面没有s,则他们后面要加名词。
1.I have two books. One is about animals, _____ is about science.
A. the other B. another C. other D. others
思路分析:根据题干“我有两本书”可知表示“两者中另一个”用the other。故选A项。
2.Most girls are singing while ____ are dancing in the music club.
A. the other B. another girls C. the others D. other girl
思路分析:the other表示“两者中的另一个”;another后接单数可数名词,只有名词前有修饰词时,才可用复数形式;the others表示某一范围内剩余的全部;other girl说法有误;空后面是are,故选C项。
同学您好,没有您说的最后的an other。