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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:百度作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/17 14:09:11
  2.数据误差带来的解的不可靠性.马考威茨模型需要将证券的期望收益率、期望的标准差和证券之间的期望相关系数作为已知数据作为基本输入.如果这些数据 没有估计误差,马考威茨模型就能够保证得到有效的证券组合.但由于期望数据是未知的,需要进行统计估计,因此这些数据就不会没有误差.这种由于统计估计而带来的数据输入方面的不准确性会使一些资产类别的投资比例过高而使另一些资产类别的投资比例过低.
MaKao wei's portfolio theory is not only provides theoretical basis for the diversification of investment,and also for how to effectively disperse investment provides analysis framework.But in actual use,MaKao wei watts model also has certain limitations and difficulties:
1.MaKao wei watts model need basic input including securities expectations yields,variance and two of the covariance between two securities.When the number of securities are too,basic input the required estimator is very large,and also can make MaKao wei's use is very limited.Therefore,MaKao wei watts model at present mainly used in the optimal asset allocation decisions.
2.Data error of the solution and not bring reliability.MaKao wei watts model of securities expect to return,and hope,standard deviation and the expectations of the correlation coefficient between securities as a known as the basic input data.If these data no estimate error,MaKao wei watts model can effectively ensure the portfolio.But because the expected data is unknown,need the statistics estimate,so the data will not without error.The statistical estimate because brought the data input on accuracy can make some asset classes of investment high proportion and the other some asset classes of investment ratio is too low.
3.The solution of stability.MaKao wei watts model of another application problem is input data small changes can lead to assets of the weights of the great changes.The stability of the solution of the restrictions MaKao wei watts model formulated in actual application of asset allocation policy.If the input data to based on the quarter to estimate,MaKao wei watts model with will get new assets of the solution of the weight,the new assets on the weight and the weight of the differences in the first quarter can be very large.This means that it must be on asset combination for major changes,and frequent adjustment will make people to MaKao wei watts model produce distrust.
4.The high cost of new configuration.The adjustment of assets ratio will cause unnecessary transaction costs to rise.The adjustment of assets ratio will bring many adverse effects,so the right policy could maintain the status quo is not optimal.
英语翻译"我喜欢股票投资,也靠它赚过不少钱.但现在的中国投资市场环境太差了,而且也没有什么变好的希望.所以我决定不再投资 英语翻译第一部分是综述运筹在投资组合中的运用,并引出马柯维茨理论.第二部分就是主要介绍马柯维茨理论,并指出它的不足.第三 公路局投资4500万元修了一条10千米的公路,比计划节省投资500万元,实际投资是计划投资的百分之几? 在"西部大开发"中,某项工程某投资商中标投资8000万元,十年内其他管理费用还需投资约为中标投资费用的15%,该投资商平 英语翻译黄金投资分析师是指在黄金生产、流通领域从事投资操作、市场分析、咨询和投资策略制定与评估的人员,是正确引导黄金投资 英语翻译因为计算预期收益率是建立在再投资收益率不变的基础上的,假如再投资收益率改变了,投资者将期间获得利息进行再投资的收 英语翻译从工程经济学角度分析回收期在1~2年以内皆为较可行投资,油压叠合吸料头的投资回收期仅7个月,因此以上投资是十分可 张三拟投资一投资基金,假定年投资收益率固定为5%,为了在10年后获得90000元的收入,现在应投资多少资金? 光合作用的意义:不但为生物圈中所有的生物提供了有机物,而且提供了呼吸作用需要的氧气. 英语翻译他对美国的市场进行了研究,以寻求投资的可能性(potential) 英语翻译资产组合理论主要是针对化解投资风险的可能性提出的.“不要把所有的鸡蛋放在一个篮子里”就是多元化投资组合的最佳比喻 某只股票要求的收益率为15%,收益率的标准差为25%,与市场投资组合收益率的相关系数为0.2,市场投资组合要