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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:百度作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/14 08:22:44
小号吹得好! 就是最近啊,身体不好
痔疮. 呵呵,开个玩笑
我说:不去! 我嫌脏,游泳池里面有很多人都在里面撒尿
去把他领回来,问他:又站岸边尿了? 他说:没有啊.这次在池子里尿的,不过这几天有点上火,尿是黄的.
Today, I would like to present a cross-talk.
This is XXX, my partner, everybody knows him.
He blows his trumpet very well! But he has been indisposed recently
This time he’s really very sick, he’s disfigured.
Hemorrhoids. Ha ha, it’s just a joke.
Just last week, XXX gave me a call: “Come, let’s go swimming ”
I answered: “No, it’s dirty; lots of people urinate in the pool”
He said: “Don’t worry, we also can urinate!”
Finally he went alone.
Later in the afternoon at three o’clock, he called me: “Brother, please bring 2000 Yuan to bail me out, I was caught urinating.”
I asked him what’d happened after taking him back, he said: “They urinated in the pool, but I did it standing at the poolside.”
Two days later, again he went there alone. In the afternoon, he called me again: “Brother, I was caught again, come and bail me.”
After bringing him back, I asked: “Urinated at the poolside again?”
He answered: “No, this time I did it in the pool, but these few days I have excessive internal heat, my urine was yellow. ”
新灰姑娘 New Cinderella
Stepmother: Cinderella, what are you doing? (生气地)
Cinderella: Mum, your dress is a little bit dirty. Let me clean it for you. (用鸡毛掸子清理后母的裙子.)
Stepmother: Stop it! You naughty girl. Look at my face. (拿出镜子给Cinderella看)You had better clean your face first. (怒气冲冲离开)
Cinderella: Oh! My face. What can I do? (望着镜子)
镜子:Oh ,the poor girl. But you are kindhearted.
(Cinderella伤心地唱着Star light, star bright)
Star light, star bright,
First star I see tonight.
I wish I may, I wish I might.
Have the wish I wish tonight.(闭眼祷告)
小仙女:My candy. My candy.(跑着跑着,掉了一样东西)
Cinderella: What is it? SKI ,for beauty. Oh, that is for me. Thank you very much.(双手合十做感谢状)
大姐:Cinderella, comb my hair.
Cinderella: Yes, sister. (将大姐的头发绑成冲天炮)
二姐:Cinderella, get me a scarf.(拿出一条围巾并绑二姐未在手臂上)
大姐:You look so funny.
二姐:You look so funny.
Cinderella: (没戴眼镜,雀斑全消)Yes?
大姐:Cinderella, you look so different.
二姐:Cinderella, your face…
Cinderella: I made a wish and it came true.
大姐,二姐:How did you do that?
(Cinderella 配合滑稽的音效,比手画脚了一番.)
大姐,二姐:Oh! I see. Go to your room, Cinderella. (Cinderella退回房间)
大姐:It is easy, isn’t it?
二姐:Yes. Let’s try.
Star light, star bright,
First star I see tonight.
I wish I may, I wish I might.
Have the wish I wish tonight.
小仙女:My ball. My ball.
大姐:(睁开眼睛)What is it?
大姐:It works.
大姐,二姐:(抢着涂抹)Save some for me.
Stepmother: Mary! Judy! Where are you? It is time to party.
大姐,二姐:(沮丧地)We are here.
Stepmother: Oh, my goodness! What’s the matter with you ?
大姐,二姐: Mummy! Help us.
Cinderella: (唱Star light, star bright并闭眼祷告)
小仙女: My candy! My candy!
Cinderella! Stop singing the song.
Here are the car and the dress.
Be sure to come back before twelve.
Cinderella: Thank you, my angel!
王子:My fair lady .May I have this dance?
Cinderella: Yes, please.
Stepmother: Who’s that?
大姐:She is so beautiful.
二姐:I wish I were the girl.
大姐:Don’t make any wish, stupid girl.
(钟敲响12下) 时钟报时:Dang! Dang! Dang! It is 12 o’clock!
Cinderella: Oh! I have to leave now.(冲忙跑走,掉了一双鞋子.)
王子: Hey! Don’t be so rush. What’s your name?
王子:Please try it on.
女孩甲:(试穿后)It is not my size.
女孩乙:(试穿后)It is not mine.
大姐:Let me try it.(但穿不下)
二姐:It is my turn.(也穿不下)
王子:(看到Cinderella)Lady,would you please try it on.
Cinderella:Oh! It’s my shoe.
王子:You are the girl in the party.
Cinderella:Yes, I am.Thank you for bringing me the shoe.
(跑走,并唱着Star light, star bright)
王子:Wait! Wait! I am the prince. Marry me!
小仙女:(穿着Cinderella参加舞会地衣服)I do. I do.
小仙女:(拉着王子地手不由自主一直大叫I do. )
Cinderella,!Stop singing the song and making any wish