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英语翻译11.Kids raised in this fashion have more of an opportuni

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:百度作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/13 15:22:37
11.Kids raised in this fashion have more of an opportunity todevelop their own personalities and interests.Our home is like a stateuniversity,where you can get a great education but you have to do your ownlegwork.A typical night:one kid has a big project due,another has a schoolplay,the third has soccer practice; mom is working late because there is aninternational crisis brewing but she will barrel home to be sitting in theauditorium when the curtain rises10; and I am trying to helpeveryone while fielding calls on a story11 I have to finish writingthat night after the kids go to bed.
12.It’s not the hyper-orderly household that Amy Chua portrays,butthe kids are constantly learning to take responsibility for their own homework,play time and everything else.Doing so allows them to take genuine pride intheir accomplishments.They need to succeed for their own benefit,not to provethat their parents are successful.It’s sheer narcissism to believe that yourchild’s every success and failure is a reflection of your worth12.Get over yourself13.
英语翻译11.Kids raised in this fashion have more of an opportuni
11、这种环境下成长起来的孩子更容易养成独立人格和兴趣.我们家就像一所国立大学,孩子们可以受到良好教育,但是必须独立完成自己的事.我们晚上通常是这个样子:一个孩子得去做社会调查?(project是老师布置给学生的课外活动,放学后做的任务,通常有一定的时间跨度.project due我理解不了,可能是明天就要交的任务吧),一个孩子得去参演校园剧,还有一个孩子要去足球训练.妻子要工作到很晚,因为国际危机即将到来.但是她一下班就会马不停蹄的回家,并赶在开幕前准时坐在礼堂里(可能是指准时参加第二个孩子的演出.barrel home 意思是马不停蹄的意思).而我,应付完多个催稿电话的同时,不停地给家人打下手,晚上等孩子们都睡了我还得把稿子写完.(calls on a story的翻译仅供参考)
12、这和Amy chua书中描述的井井有条的情况不一样.但是,孩子们却从中不断学到自主去安排学业、玩乐和其他事务.这样,他们才能体会到真正的成就感.他们为自己活,而不是为了证明父母有多会管教,父母有多伟大.如果你认为孩子的成败是你自身价值的体现,那纯粹是自恋.get over yourself可能是克服、释然的意思.