作业帮 > 英语 > 作业


来源:学生作业帮 编辑:百度作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/30 16:12:44
1.A computer does only what thinking people ——. A.have it do B.have it done C.have done it D.having it done 2.Because of my poor English,I`m afraid I can`t make myself ——. A.understand B.to understand C.understanding D.understood 3.Much —— has been said tonight will soon be forgotten. A.which B.that C.what D.he 4.Dorothy was always speaking highly of her role in the play ,—— of course,made the others unhappy. A.who B.which C.this D.what
解题思路: 过去分词 及 定语从句
1.A computer does only what thinking people ——
A.have it do B.have it done C.have done it D.having it done
选 A 句意: 计算机只能做有思维的人们让它做的事。have it do 让它做。。。; B.have it done 让它被做(表示动作是别人完成的)
C.have done it 已经做完它了,与句意不符; what 引导的是一个从句,从句中缺少谓语动词,而D项中的 having 不能做谓语,所以不能选D。
2.Because of my poor English,I`m afraid I can`t make myself ——.
A.understand B.to understand C.understanding D.understood
选 D 句意: 因为我英语不好 ,我恐怕不能让自己被(别人)明白。
make / get / have + sb. / sth. + 过去分词 表 “让宾语被。。。”。
如 : make myself heard "使自己被听见";
get the bike repaired 让车子被修理;
have his hair cut 让头发被理 (让别人理发)
3.Much —— has been said tonight will soon be forgotten.
A.which B.that C.what D.he
选 B 句意: 今晚说过的好多话很快就将被忘记。这里包含了一个定语从句: much 是定从的先行词; that 引导词。首先,由于定从中用的是被动语态,所以has been 前肯定不是 人,故不能选D.
语法规定: 当定从的先行词为不定代词时, 引导词用that 而不用 which。
4.Dorothy was always speaking highly of her role in the play ,—— of course,made the others unhappy.
A.who B.which C.this D.what
选 B 句意: Dorothy总是夸大她起的作用,这一点当然让别人不高兴。这是一个 WHICH引导的非限制性定语从句 (标志是 引导词前有个 逗号),which 即是定从的引导词,又代替前面整句话的内容。孩子 注意: 在非限制性定从中,要用which 而不能用that (这一条正好跟上面的相反。)
He came late again , which made the teacher angry.
孩子 我讲明白了吗 你问的题都很经典 一定记住这些用法 啊