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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:百度作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/12 00:11:50
假如你是一名中学生,根据下表给报社Just ask 栏目的主持人。请求帮助解决一个长期困扰你的问题 1 你的情况 A 学习成绩好 B 爱母亲 C 有点害怕母亲 2 你母亲的情况 A 大学教授,工作勤奋 B 很少有时间和你说话 C 对你很严,易发脾气 3 你的问题 A 很少交流 B 希望互相了解 C 不知如何沟通 Dear Ralph, I am a middle school student. I am good at studying and I am one of the best students in our class. I am getting along well with my classmates and families except my mother. My mother is strict very much and she is strict with me . She even doesn*t allow me do what I what. It makes me very sad. My mother is a college teacher,and she is so busy that she can hardly find time to be with me. She has little time to chat with me ,so she dosen*t konw my idea at all. Besides, she loses her temper easily. It is unhappy that I live with her. But I still love my mother , I hope we can know each other ,I look foward to communicating with her, I love her . 25分能的多少分,请崔老师用其他颜色 标注 错误,还有您在把一些对的句子在能升华下。
解题思路: 语言流畅 逻辑性强 只有个别粗心小错儿 但瑕不掩玉 是一篇不错的短文
Dear Ralph,
I am a middle school student. I am good at studying and I am one of the best students in our class. I am getting along well with my classmates and families except my mother. My mother is strict very much and she is strict with me . She even doesn*t allow me do what I what. It makes me very sad. My mother is a college teacher,and she is so busy that she can hardly find time to be with me. She has little time to chat with me ,so she dosen*t konw my idea at all. Besides, she loses her temper easily. It is unhappy that I live with her.
But I still love my mother , I hope we can know each other ,I look foward to communicating with her, I love her .
1. I am good at studying --- I am good at all subjects. / I learn very well.
学习好 一般不说 be good at studying 因为be good at 。。。意为“在......方面学得好”
2.families ---family 家人,本身为集合名词 不必变复数
My mother is strict very much---My mother is very strict.
3.very 修饰形容词; very much一般修饰动词
4.allow me do what I what.---allow me to do what I want
allow 的用法:allow sb to do / allow + doing
5.It is unhappy that I live with her.---I'm unhappy to be with her.
happy 的主语通常为 人
6. But I still love my mother , I hope we can know each other ,I look foward to communicating with her, I love her .
---But I still love my mother . I hope we can know each other . I look foward to communicating with her I .
所有的逗号 都改为 句号 或 在逗号后加and. 英语中 逗号不能随便使用 ,要么有连接词,要么变 主从句的关系 或用分词。
He was very happy, and / so he jumped. = He jumped because he was happy.
= He was very happy. He jumped.
= Being happy, he jumped.
个别句子 我做了点改动:
1. My mother is strict very much and she is strict with me .
---My mother is a serious (认真的,严肃的 )person ,so she is strict with me .
2.She even doesn*t allow me do what I what. It makes me very sad.
--She even doesn*t allow me to do what I want. Thus it makes me very sad.
3.She has little time to chat with me ,so she dosen*t konw my idea at all.
---She has little time to chat with me ,and therefore she dosen't know me at all.
4.I hope we can know each other ,I look foward to communicating with her, I love her .
--I hope we can know each other very well. However, I don't know how to communicate with my mother. so I look foward to your opinion.
我需要具体的解题过程,解析及得分点,谢谢老师 一次数学测试,李老师用下列方法统计成绩地:凡是得分为100分记作+10分,得分为85分记作-5分,得分92分记作+2分. 怎么说呢 就是没有达到老师所说得分数,(8分,我0分,-12到12分之间.) 请您帮我改一下英语作文,我想知道得分低的原因!老师给了15分 1、一次测验后李老师计算第一小组的平均分.他发现小灵通的得分如果提高18分,第一小组的平均分就达到90分;如果他的得分降 一次数学测试,小张的得分是小李的5/6 后来两人都发现有一道题老师改错了,每个人都扣了2分,这时小张的得分是小李的34/ 某次测验考试,老师公开成绩:李明十分 王刚十分 张华-12分 实际上李明得分是95分,那么你知道张华实际得分吗 要算式 甲乙两人参加一次数学竞赛,共得188分,已知甲得分的四分之一与乙得分的一半剪去22相等,乙得多少分? 选择题得分情况:0,4,8,…40.当简答题得6分时和选择题相加得分情况:6,10,14,18,22,26,3 我们老师总让我们把所有观点都写上,也不给我们分析材料,我的政治大题一直得分不高, 一次数学测试,王老师想很快地知道本班同学的平均分数,他想了一个办法,凡是得分为100分的记作+1 六年级一班一次数学测验平均成绩为94分,张老师把100分计做+6分,91分记作( )分,-5分表示的实际得分是