作业帮 > 英语 > 作业


来源:学生作业帮 编辑:百度作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/16 22:42:39
with the globalization of economy and the further opening-up of China, there has been an increasingly urgent demand for students'mastering English. Learning English well is of great importance for Chinese English learners. English is not only one of the most important standards of measurement is academy, job hunting and further study, but also a necessary tool in future promotion, career development and expansion of self-development space. However, the foreign language teaching in China is not efficient enough to meet the demand of the high expectation from the whole society.
However, the influence of traditional concept of education which sees the development of cognitive skills as our sole educational goal, determines that all just pays attention to the cultication of cognitive skills and neglects the development of affective factors in English teaching and teaching process, which can result in low efficiency. With the development of Psychology, language teachers and researchers turned to concentrate on the learner himself. Before being a language learner, the learner should first be treated as a person. Without basic physical and psychological satisfaction, learners can not fully get involved in learning. Therefore, while paying more attention to the development of students' knowledge and intelligence, we should also overlook the development of their emotions.