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███ 很多有语法上的不懂,请大神耐心一一详解,1.Where do you plan to go for your h

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:百度作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/08 06:08:11
1.Where do you plan to go for your holiday?这句如果让我写,我可能会写成Where are you.,但不知为何是are 也不知为何是do?
2.All a students was to...为何all后面有个a 为何是was?如果去掉a呢
3.He always adapted easily to new circumstances.为何adapt是过去式,不是always do sth吗,难道此处always有指之前事的意思?还是adapted指状态
4.I am sorry to have kept you waiting long,这句的have是必须的吗?
5.His ability to see the bright side of every situation——qualities that ran so much deepd.这句咋解释,原文His ability to不太对劲,感觉该是He is able to,或者在ability后面加is?然后破折号后面的读得有些滞涩,请讲讲.
6.他本想用各种刁钻问题难倒我 让我尴尬,让他没想到的是我却轻易拿下了(轻易通过),这反而让他十分尴尬.    这句如何翻译恰当?
7.However,getting into a good college here in the US is just as______as,if not harder than it is in china.横线处可供选的有easy,hard,impossible,likely.这句怎么翻译?
8.We also have our own issues to deal with in the US.这句怎么翻译.issues不是出版吗
███ 很多有语法上的不懂,请大神耐心一一详解,1.Where do you plan to go for your h
1.Where do you plan to go for your holiday和Where are you planning to go for your holiday 都一样,但是通常我不这么讲,蛮拗口的,连续快速读十遍就感觉出来了.我一般说Where are you going in this holiday?已经有plan的意思了
2.你的原句应该是 All a student was (supposed) to do is sth.吧.All of "What a student should do" is something.一个学生要做的全部事情就是something.你去掉a也没什么区别,就是平常不会这么用而已.(你放中文里也是差不多的)
3.看来你已经学得蛮深的了,像你这种深度要是再死背语法就上不去了.我承认这句话是有一点问题的,严谨来说应该是He had always adapted.但是我好像没听说过always后面一定要跟present tense的.past tense放在这里就是指他以前都是这样的(easily adapted),就像你中文里也有说“以前(had)一直(always)都.”这种说法的啊
4.kept is not a verb here.你想一想去掉have你能怎么改?!If you directly change kept to keep it will mean "I will keep you."就不对了吗!
5.你要是在小说里读到这句话很正常,死套语法肯定是解释不通的,小说不能这么读,作者有可能会用一些不完整的句子,就比如这句.因为后面用"quality"这个代词,所以“to see.”这整段可以当做名词来看.后半句你就理解为:这个quality深深植入了他的内心.
6.He planned to embarass me by asking me obscure questions in hope that I can't answer,but to his dismay and surprise,I answered all of them easily.This in turns made him embarrasses and sort of speachless.