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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:百度作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/14 06:26:43
People laugh and people cry
Some give up and some always try
Some say hi while some say bye
Others may forget you but never I...
If kisses were water,
I will give you sea.
If hugs were leaves,
I will give you a tree.
If you love a planet,
I will give you a galaxy,
If friendship is life,
I will give you mine.
In my life I learned how?
To love to smile to be happy to be strong
to work hard to be honest to be faithful to forgive
but I couldn't learn howto stop rembering you.
There are many stars but the moon is you.
There are many friends but the best is you.
To forget me that's up to you.
To forget you I will never ever do.
You may be out of my sight,
but not out of my heart,
You may be out of my reach but not out of my mind.
I may mean nothing to you but you will always be special to me!
Sometimes my mind asked why?
I miss you,Why?
I care for you,Why?
I remember you then my heart answered its simply
because you are a sweet friend!(英译汉)
There was a boy having a bad temper, so his father gived him a packet of nails and told him, when he lost his temper , he should drive a nail into fences in yard.
The first day ,the boy had 37 nails . But the number of nails reduced day by day.
He found that it was easier to control his temper than driving in nails
Finally, one day, the boy told his father that he won’t lose patience to throw tantrum. And his father told him that from now on, when he can control his temper, he can get a nail out.
Day after day, then the boy told his father, he got all the nails out.
The father held the boy’s hand to the backyard:” Well done, my boy. But look at the holes in the fences, the fences will never come back as it used to be. The angry words you have said will leave the scars just like the hole. If you knifed somebody, no matter how many times you said sorry, the wound would last forever. The remark can cut people just as the real injured.
Some everlasting harms forms just because of the persistence between human beings. So action should be started from our own, and be more tolerant to others.I think that you can receive many unexpected results,.. so open a window for others, you also can have a good view of the complete sky.
People laugh and people cry 众人经笑历哭,
Some give up and some always try 有人放弃,有人执着
Some say hi while some say bye 有人正经历初遇但也有人品尝着离别的滋味
Others may forget you but never I... 也许遗忘是使然,但不包括你我彼此
If kisses were water, 如果亲吻可化流水
I will give you sea. 我想给你整个汪洋
If hugs were leaves, 如果亲吻意味着别离
I will give you a tree. 我愿成驻留等待的树
If you love a planet, 如果你爱蔚蓝的地球
I will give you a galaxy, 我带给你去银河星系
If friendship is life, 如果,友谊是生命的给予,
I will give you mine. 我倾献无悔
In my life I learned how? 我可以学习,
To love to smile to be happy to be strong学着如何爱,如何微笑快乐,如何坚强努力,
to work hard to be honest to be faithful to forgive如何诚实忠诚乃至宽容
but I couldn't learn howto stop rembering you. 但我终学不会停止想念你
There are many stars but the moon is you. 众星璀璨,你是皎皎的明月
There are many friends but the best is you. 友人成群,你乃独特的存在
To forget me that's up to you. 你可以渐渐淡忘我
To forget you I will never ever do. 我却永不会忘怀你
You may be out of my sight, 你走出我的视线,
but not out of my heart, 却走不出我的心房
You may be out of my reach but not out of my mind. 你伸手虽不可及,却始终在我脑海里
I may mean nothing to you but you will always be special to me! 即使我于你如拂衣微尘,你仍是我此生不陈的记忆!
Sometimes my mind asked why? 有时,我扪心自问,这是为什么
I miss you, Why? 为何我如此地思念你
I care for you, Why? 为何我关注你点滴
I remember you then my heart answered its simply 因为我想念你,我的心做出了最简洁的答案
because you are a sweet friend!因为你是我挚爱的好友
英语翻译有一个男孩有著很坏的脾气,于是他的父亲就给了他一袋钉子;并且告诉他,每当他发脾气的时候就钉一根钉子在后院的围篱上 英语翻译从前,有一个脾气很坏的男孩,他的爸爸给了他一袋钉子,告诉他每次发脾气的时候就在篱笆上钉一根.第一天,男孩钉了37 有一故事,是爸爸让他儿子每对一人发脾气就在木头上钉钉子的故事.在读者的网站上,没时间找. 今天小明是值日生,他发现小华的凳子上有一个钉子没有钉好,他就准备去学校总物处借锤子,把钉子钉好.请你设想一下小明是怎样向 钉在树上的钉子树在1米高的时候,如果在30CM的地方定一个钉子.等他长到3米的时候,钉子是否还在原来的位置?请写出为什么 阅读下面的材料,根据要求写一篇不少于800的作文 有一个青年要往墙上钉一个钉子.要钉的时候,他发现墙 关于钉子的故事有一个小孩很爱生气,他的爸爸用钉子的故事教育了他, 英语翻译她不敢相信,她在为他着想的时候他却对他发脾气. 在《钉子和篱笆》的故事中为什么小男孩通过钉钉子就能改掉坏脾气 小强去商店买2500个钉子,商店售货员给他称了1.5千克的钉子.小强想知道1.5千克的钉子够不够2500的? 某同学去商店买2500枚钉子,售货员说钉子不能数个数卖.只能称.于是,他买回0.5千克的小钉子,你能想办法 问,那个大家都知道的故事——一个男孩通过往栅栏上钉钉子明白了不要随意发脾气,要学会克制自己,看下面