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英语翻译如题,请帮我把下面关于保险的论文翻译成中文.ABSTRACTHealth insurance is a comp

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:百度作业网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/07/04 15:53:14
Health insurance is a complex,multi-attribute product and this creates search frictions that can distort market outcomes.We study the effect of frictions in the market for employer based health insurance.We find that frictions are most severe in the "fully insured" part of the group health insurance market and we estimate that frictions in this market segment cause a quarter of the consumer surplus to shift from policy-holders to insurers (a transfer of 32.5 billion dollars in 1997).Our analysis also suggests that frictions in insurance markets also reduce incentives to invest in future health.
In the United States,health insurance for those under age 65 is typically provided through group plans purchased by employers from commercial insurers.Health insurance is a complex multi-attribute service,so employers looking to buy insurance face a difficult shopping problem.Savvy purchasers must consider which of the many drugs their employees might use are in the insurer’s formularies,whom among many local physicians are part of the insurer’s provider network,and what co-pays and deductibles apply to which pharmaceuticals,providers and services.Comparison shopping is made even more difficult by the fact that many aspects of insurance involve commitments to provide services under hard-to-anticipate contingencies.Medical underwriting by insurers and the great profusion of insurance products offered raises administrative costs and increases the complexity of an employer group’s search for health insurance (Hall,2008).1 Large and sophisticated employers can avoid many of these difficulties by “self insuring” and hiring insurers simply to administer their plans.Smaller and less sophisticated firms generally do not self insure.Instead they purchase products that provide both administrative services and insurance.These “fully insured” employers face a particularly daunting search process and make up approximately half the market.
Maggie,那我等会儿就给分^ ^ 这篇论文还有好多呢,我再提问,每个都是100分,我分多(7000多),匿名是觉得丢脸.还过了四,六级呢,找块豆腐撞死算了T.T
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英语翻译如题,请帮我把下面关于保险的论文翻译成中文.ABSTRACTHealth insurance is a comp
PS 2:有些小地方有修改.你额可以把资料发到我qq,我帮你翻译吧.反正我也没事情做.