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试卷:仁爱版英语八年级上册unit3 toic1 2014—2015

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试卷:仁爱版英语八年级上册unit3 toic1 2014—2015
试卷:仁爱版英语八年级上册unit3 toic1 2014—2015
Unit 3 Topic 1
(考试时间:90分钟, 满分:100分)






第一部分 听力(20分)
Ⅰ. 听句子,选择正确图片.每个句子读一遍.(5分)

1. _______ 2. _______ 3. _______ 4. _______ 5. _______
Ⅱ. 听句子,选择正确答语.每个句子读一遍.(5分)
( )6. A. Yes, I do. B. Pop music. C. I don’t tell you.
( )7. A. Go swimming. B. Go skiing. C. Go fishing.
( )8. A. It certainly is. B. Certainly. Go ahead.
C. Sorry, I won’t.
( )9. A. I used to listen to music. B. I enjoy dancing.
C. I like fishing.
( )10. A. Good idea!B. You are right. C. Thank you.
Ⅲ. 听对话及问题,选择正确答案.每组对话及问题读两遍.(5分)
( )11. A. Traveling. B. Reading. C. Cooking.
( )12. A. Because it’s beautiful. B. Because it’s clean.
C. Because it’s clever.
( )13. A. She used to watch TV at home. B. She used to go swimming.
C. She used to go to the movies.
( )14. A. Doing sports. B. Reading novels. C. Traveling.
( )15. A. Flying kites.B. Listening to music. C. Playing games.
Ⅳ. 听短文,完成表格.短文读三遍.(5分)

Used to



A movie fan




Listening to music

Li Lei




Collecting coins


第二部分 基础知识运用(55分)
Ⅰ. 单项选择.(10分)
( )1. Langlang is a great pianist. He _______ great interest in piano when he was very young.
A. sharedB. hatedC. showedD. played
( )2. Wang Yanbo’s mother is fond of _______.
A. cookB. cookerC. cookingD. cooked
( )3. Why _______ go out for a walk after supper?
A. don’tB. didn’tC. notD. doesn’t
( )4. Hobbies can _______ us happiness, friendship and knowledge, so we should have
A. getB. takeC. tookD. bring
( )5. —What’s your hobby?
—I _______ listen to music, but now I enjoy dancing.
A. am used toB. used toC. am usedD. use to
( )6. I _______ draw, but now I am fond of it.
A. wasn’t use toB. didn’t use toC. am not use toD. don’t use to
( )7. —Would you mind _______?
—Not at all.
A. provide help for us B. provide us with help
C. providing help for usD. providing us for help
( )8. His mother taught him _______ and read.
A. writeB. writing
C. to writeD. writes
( )9. —What’s your hobby, please?
—I _______ dancing.
A. am fond ofB. enjoy
C. preferD. A, B and C
( )10. —_______ Li Lei _______ play computer games?
—No, he _______.
A. Did; use to; didn’tB. Did; used to; didn’t
C. Does; use to; doesn’tD. Does; used to; doesn’t
Ⅱ. 情景交际.(5分)
(Some students are talking about hobbies.)
—Hi, Jack! 11. __________
—My hobby is playing football. It can make me strong.
—12. _________
—No, I used to run. 13. _________
—Oh, I used to swim, fly kites, collect stamps. But now I’m fond of planting flowers. It can
make my heart quiet.
—14. _________
—It’s normal (正常的). We can’t imagine (想象) what our life will be like without hobbies.
—15. _________
A. Our interests are always changing with our growth.
B. My favorite hobby is collecting stamps.
C. My dream job is to be a football player.
D. What’s your hobby?
E. That’s right.
F. What about you?
G. Did you use to play football?

Ⅲ. 完形填空.(10分)
Planting flowers is my favorite hobby because I can learn something new from it.
I bought a flower pot (盆) and some flower seeds (种子) last week. Then I 16 some seeds in the pot. After a few days, 17 happened. But I didn’t give up watering. Another ten days later, I saw the young plants 18 . I felt very 19 because I could grow something.
Just like growing flowers, we can also plant happiness. Our life is 20 an empty (空的) pot. We have lots of things to do, but we 21 do them. That means we lose many things. What are the 22 things? Yes, they’re the seeds of 23 , love and dreams.
What should we plant in life? If we plant negative thoughts (消极思想) inside our 24 , we will feel sad in the future days; If we plant seeds of hope, we will get 25 .
( )16. A. plantedB. putC. boughtD. water
( )17. A. somethingB. everythingC. nothingD. anything
( )18. A. diedB. come outC. leftD. went
( )19. A. sadB. boredC. interestedD. excited
( )20. A. likeB. inC. withoutD. for
( )21. A. alwaysB. seldom (很少)C. neverD. often
( )22. A. loseB. losingC. lostD. loses
( )23. A. funB. pleasureC. hopeD. health
( )24. A. potsB. yardsC. housesD. hearts
( )25. A. illnessB. happinessC. sadnessD. flowers
Ⅳ. 阅读理解.(30分)
I’m Sam. My hobby is playing chess(棋)—one of the greatest games in the world. My mom taught me how to play when I was 7. She beat (打败) me every time for the first year. But then on my eighth birthday, I won for the first time. I nearly always beat her from then on.
It takes about a day to learn the rules (规则). But if you want to be good, you have to practice for years. You don’t need much to play chess—just a chess set (棋具) and someone to play with.
Chess sets can be quite cheap, or very expensive. Some people collect chess sets as a hobby, but some prefers playing.
There is a chess club in our school, and we meet every week to play with each other. I’m the best player in the club, and the captain of the school chess team. This year we won the All English Schools’ Championship (锦标赛), and I had to go up on stage (台子) in front of the whole school to accept the trophy (奖品).
I’m saving up my money to buy a chess computer. It’s very expensive, but very good for practice. In that way, I’ll always have someone to play with. One day I will be the world chess champion (冠军).
根据短文内容,判断正 (T)误 (F).
( )26. Sam’s mom never beats him at chess.
( )27. You have to spend a lot of money on a chess set.
( )28. Sam doesn’t collect chess sets.
( )29. Sam’s school has a very good chess team.
( )30. Sam has got a chess computer.
Are you looking for something fun and would you like to help other people in your spare time? Then join us to be a volunteer (志愿者).
We are a non-profit organization (非盈利性组织). We have volunteer jobs for people of all ages. Anyone, from twelve-year-old children to people in their 80s, can become a volunteer.
You can help people in many ways. Schools need help with taking care of children when their parents are working. Hospitals need volunteers to look after children when their parents see a doctor. Animal lovers can help take care of those dogs and cats without homes. There is something for everyone.
“As a volunteer, I don’t want to get anything. Seeing the children’s happy faces, I am happy, too.”says Carlos Domingo, an old woman of 62.
If everyone helps a bit, we’ll have a better world to live in.
Interested in?Call us on 1-800-555-5756, or visit our website:www. activol. com.
( )31. What kind of people can become volunteers?
A. Only children. B. From 12-year-old people to people in their 80s.
C. Only old people. D. Only students and teachers.
( )32. _______ need help.
A. AnimalsB. NobodyC. VolunteersD. Many people
( )33. Volunteers want to get _______ when they help others.
A. everythingB. moneyC. nothingD. computers
( )34. Carlos Domingo works as a volunteer to help _______.
A. dogsB. catsC. old peopleD. children
( )35. This passage is _______.
A. a storyB. a playC. a filmD. an ad
Ching-He Huang (黄静亿), a young and beautiful cook, comes from Taiwan, China. She lived with her grandparents when she was very very young. Her grandparents was good at cooking. ①她对烹饪也很感兴趣.
Her family moved to South Africa when she was five years old. Her cooking skills made her classmates surprised. Six years later, her family left for London. She had to cook meals herself because her parents were very busy. Her skills got better and getter. Later, she started her own food company (公司). She was often on TV for food shows and also published (出版) books about Chinese food cooking. She is famous all over the world now.
② Now Ching-He Huang is trying her best to show the world that Chinese cooking can be easy, healthy, delicious and fun.
( )36. Her parents taught her to cook when she was young.
( )37. She has her own company now.
40. Who cooked meals for her when she came to London?

第三部分 写作(25分)
Ⅰ. 词汇.(10分)
1. Your shoes are so d_______. Why not brush them?
2. The man is l_______. He doesn’t do anything every day.
3. He c_______ his finger when he was using a knife.
4. Give me a piece of p_______, I will write down my telephone number on it.
5. —What’s your hobby?
—I like c_______ coins very much.
6. I will never forget the _______ (友谊) between us.
7. This passage is about the _______ (介绍) to the famous singer.
8. I think pigs are really very _______ (愚蠢的).
9. His face looks very black and _______ (丑陋的), but his heart is very kind and beautiful.
10. Hobbies help people relax after their _______ (日常的) work.
Ⅱ. 句型转换.(5分)
11. My favorite bobby is planting flowers. (对画线部分提问)
_______ is your _______ hobby?
12. I like playing computer games because it is very interesting. (同上)
_______ _______ you like playing computer games?
13. He doesn’t like pop music. (同义句转换)
He _______ pop music.
14. He used to swim. (改为否定句)
He _______ _______ _______ swim.
15. Cao Tiantian often paints pictures or collects things after school. (改为选择疑问句)
Ⅲ. 书面表达.(10分)
依照下列问句,以My Hobbies为题写一篇60词左右的短文.
1. What hobbies did you use to have? Why did you like them?
2. What hobbies do you have now? Why do you like them?
3. What different hobbies do you have in different seasons?