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英语翻译1.茄瓜用斜刀法切成上断下连皮的双连前瓜24 件(每件约17.5 克),洗净晾干;2.猪去皮肉剁烂;3.鲜虾仁略

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:百度作业网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/07/11 19:48:46
1.茄瓜用斜刀法切成上断下连皮的双连前瓜24 件(每件约17.5 克),洗净晾干;2.猪去皮肉剁烂;3.鲜虾仁略切断;4.香菇去蒂,洗净,切细料;5.将肉茸、虾仁、香菇一同放在盆内加入精盐,拌挞至有粘性,再放味精、白糖、生抽、香油、胡椒粉,继续拌挞至起胶后,加入猪油合成肉馅;6.在茄瓜夹腔内洒上一层薄干淀粉,然后将肉馅分别酿入茄瓜夹腔内,最后将整块瓜件的表面轻拍贴上干淀粉,形成一层薄粉膜,成为瓜胚;7.中火烧热炒锅,下油烧至微沸,放瓜胚炸至熟,捞起即可.
英语翻译1.茄瓜用斜刀法切成上断下连皮的双连前瓜24 件(每件约17.5 克),洗净晾干;2.猪去皮肉剁烂;3.鲜虾仁略
1.Cut a long Chinese eggplant into 24 pieces (about 17.5g each) and cut each piece from the middle but not cut through (with about 0.5cm remaining) so that stuffing can be put inside.
2.Finely mince skinless pork.
3.Roughly cut peeled shrimp.
4.Finely mince shitake mushroom (stems removed and washed).
5.Put minced pork,shrimp,and mushroom in a mixing ball,add salt,mix until stinky,add MSG,sugar,light colored soy sauce,sesame oil,grounded black pepper,mix until becoming jelly like.Add lard to complete the stuffing.
6.Pour a thin layer of dry starch inside the cut eggplant pieces,put the stuffing into them,and pour a thin layer of dry starch on the outside the pieces.
7.Place a stir-fry pan on medium heat.Pour in oil and wait until slightly bubbling.Put the eggplant pieces in until well done.Place them on a plate.
1.This is a Chinese home style dish with a good balance of meat and vegetable.
2.Plenty of vegetable oil is needed (about 300g) for frying.
再问: 谢谢提醒,这的确是给外国人看的,但是单位不会换算,只能将就了。。。下面的翻译也麻烦了。。。 中火热锅,下少许猪油,排入酿茄子,边煎边加适量猪油,煎至馅料是金黄色时,慢慢盛出。 旺火热锅,加油少许,烧热,烹料酒,加水少许,加精盐、味精、胡椒面、蚝油,再加入酿茄子,盖上盖子,焖至软烂,用湿淀粉勾芡,淋香油即成。
再答: Put a stir-fry pan on medium heat. After the pan is hot, put in lard and then the eggplant "sandwich." Fry it until the stuffing turns golden. If necessary add more lard during frying. Take the done eggplant "sandwich" out. Put a stir-fry pan on high heat and add a little bit oil. When the oil is hot, pour Chinese Shaoxing rice wine in and add some water. Then add seasonings and spices: salt, MSG, grounded black pepper, oyster sauce, and then the eggplant "sandwich." Cover the pan until the eggplant becomes soft. Add starch solution to thicken the sauce and finally sparkle sesame oil on.
英语翻译1.茄瓜用斜刀法切成上断下连皮的双连前瓜24 件(每件约17.5 克),洗净晾干;2.猪去皮肉剁烂;3.鲜虾仁略 一块豆腐切三刀切成八块怎么切?一块带皮肉切成三刀八块怎么切?(切成每块都带皮的肉) 每件东西的名字,英语翻译 英语翻译1.几天前我坐火车去了伦敦2.请原谅,这把雨伞是你的吗?3.这件外套是属于那个男孩的4.I left a lap 英语翻译原料:黑木耳、西芹、鲜百合.调料:蒜片、葱段、白糖、水生粉.制作方法:⒈ 黑木耳发泡洗净、西芹去筋切成菱形、鲜百 英语翻译1.用鸡蛋、牛奶、一点糖、一点盐(自己习惯的口味)加水和面,稍稀点 2.把洋葱,红辣椒,绿辣椒,牛肉洗净切成小块 英语翻译1.你的书在哪里?2.请把这件上衣这件上衣带给你哥.(补全单词)3.Please _____ this coat 这个菜用英语怎么说?1.将中虾洗净从背部片开,挑去纱线备用,萝卜洗净去皮切成细丝,香菜摘洗干净切成寸断待用;2.炒锅上火 购买大中小三种不同尺寸的陶瓷商品30件,用去50元,大件陶瓷商品每件5元,中件商品每件3元,小件商品每件1 1.商店第一天以每件a元的价格购进甲种商品20件,第二天又以每件(a-2)元的价格购进乙种商品30件,然后将这两种商品每 家庭电路由()等组成,各部件作用略 某工业企业销售产品每件120元,若客户购买100件(含100件)以上,每件得到20元的商业折扣.