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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:百度作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/31 20:32:02
(今天天气晴朗,万里无云,所以我们决定去绵山游玩,一大早,我们一家人就浩浩荡荡出发了.上山顶的路上,我的心怦怦直跳,因为山路又高又陡,远处的汽车像小甲虫在盘山路上慢慢的蠕动,我下车看了看山下,使人仿佛置身于童话般的仙境之中,那景色之美,真是如诗如画.听导游说,绵山位于山西省中部,北距太原,南距临汾,绵山以春秋介之推而闻名海内外,割股啖君,志在清明,孝道品德,隐不违亲,北有介子,南有屈平,遵崇大道,亘古一人.下午我们来到水涛沟,水涛沟是一处拜神仙境得仙气的景区,苍岩,古道,奇树,怪石,山花,野草点缀其间,石桐水千回百转湍湍流过,苍鹰低回,空谷鸟鸣,组成了水淘沟这幅奇特的自然风光.这里有华夏奇瀑——五龙瀑.瀑布一碧千里,像一条长河垂直挂在山前,它凌空而出,喷涌飞泻.遥望上直泻下来的瀑布奇观,我不禁吟咏起了李白的“飞流直下三千尺,疑是银河落九天”.这时我才真的领会到了诗中所描绘的意境.我和弟弟用杯子接了一些泉水,我喝了一口:“哇!清凉可口,沁人心脾.” 游览了绵山的水涛沟,在夕阳夕照下,我们拖着疲惫的脚步,踏上了返回的路程,我们度过了快乐的一天.)
  It's sunny today,cloudless,so we decided to go to the mountain mian rides,early in the morning,we set out the mighty.On the way to the top of the mountain,my heart pounding,high and steep mountain and because the car,the distance like little beetle PanShanLu slowly in the peristalsis,I get off looked at the mountain,make a person as if place oneself in the fairy tale of fairyland scenery in,that's the beauty of the poem.Listen to guide said,continous mountain is located in Shanxi Province north from taiyuan,central,south from linfen,or for the mountain to spring and autumn interface is famous at home and abroad,and push enjoy gentleman,aimed at cutting strands of filial piety clarity,character,hidden not violations kiss,a north and south have ideal-mixing QuPing,according to the ancient chung avenue,alone.In the afternoon we came to water,water out ditch out ditch is a place to worship god in the scenic spot,XianQi fairyland verdant rock,gu,odd trees,step,doorcase decoration,weeds adorns meantime,ShiTong water flexuous,such an eagle turbulence turbulent,vale,formed water twitter,this picture peculiar Amoy ditch natural scenery.Here are huaxia odd waterfalls -- wulong waterfalls.The waterfall one blue Trinidad,like a long river,it hung in piedmont vertical,spewing out of FeiXie volley.Overlooking the waterfall diarrhoea down straight,I can't help but wonder heads up the "most expensive 3,000 feet of li bai,doubt is nine." galactic fall Then that I really learn the poem depicted in the artistic conception.My brother and I use cups took some springs,I took a drink:"wow!Cool and refreshing and delicious,refreshing." Visited continous mountain of water in the setting sun out the ditch and we sunsets steps of drag exhaustion,on the return journey,we had a happy day.