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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:百度作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/17 04:23:33
可以.For example:There is no room for Lucy.=There is not any room for Lucy.
no作为形容词性质时,在句中作定语,表示否定,译为"没有"、"不是",可修饰单数、复数可数名词和不可数名词..〔加在单数名词前,相当于冠词 a,an 的否定形式〕(一个也)没有..〔加在复数普通名词及不可数名词前〕一点儿也没有.加在不表示数量观念的普通名词、抽象名词、动名词之前〕什么也[谁也]没有.
1.用于there is(are),have,have got之后,等于not any.如:
(1)There are no clouds in the sky.天上没有云.
(2)He has no dignity.He is always behaving foolishly.他没有尊严,经常表现愚蠢.
(3)I've got no home.我没有家.
2.用于连系动词之后,加在 be 与述语名词或其他形容词之间,等于not a,但语气很强.“决不是...”如:
(4)The girl was no beauty.这姑娘才不漂亮哩.
(5)He is no friend of mine.他才不是我的朋友哩.
(6)Between you and me,it's no bad thing.就你我知道,这并不是件坏事.
(7)The boat made no headway against the tide.这条船在逆潮中行进不了了.
(8)He could expect no sympathy from Beth.他不指望能得到贝斯的同情.
(9)I took no part in these negotiations.我没有参加这些谈判.
(10)No boy at the school had ever seen the sea.学校里没有一个孩子曾见过大海.
(11)I am in no mood for jokes.他没有情绪开玩笑.
(12)No admittance except on business.非公莫入.
(13)No thoroughfare.此路不通.
(14)No pains,no gains.不劳则无获.
(15)No smoking!不许吸烟.
(16)No parking!禁止停车.
(17)But this is no unimportant question,my dear Mum.不过这可不是个无足轻重的问题,我亲爱的妈妈.
(18)She was no older than Li Yan.她不比李岩年纪大.
(19)He went no further.他不再往前走了.
(20)Men are no longer at the mercy of nature.人类已不再任凭大自然摆布了.
(21)There's no such thing as ghosts.没有鬼这样的东西.
8.There is no +动名词,丝毫不可能,简直没办法.
(22)There is no denying his tale.他说的话是无可否认的.
(23)There is no saying what may happen.简直不晓得今后情况将会怎么样.
9.not与no的比较:not可用于否定动词,no则没有这种功能.no具有形容词词性,只能与名词或相当于名词的词连用,如no time(没有时间),no telephone(没有电话),no spitting(不许随地吐痰).not等于not any,因此不能用于a,the,all,both,every等词之前;在这些词之前必须用not,如:not a chance(毫无机会),not the least(一点都不),not all of us(不是我们全体),not everyone(不是每一个人),not enough(不够).其次,no也不与姓名、副词、介词等连用.但not可与这些词连用,如me,not George(是我,不是乔治),not wisely(不聪明地),not on Sundays(不在星期天).
no bargain 〔美运〕平凡的.no bon 〔军俚〕不好,不行.no bull fighter 〔美俚〕柔弱的男子.no can do 〔美俚〕=I can't do it.no confidence vote 不信任投票.no date (藏书签等上)无日期〔略 n.d.〕.no end of 〔口语〕许多的,非常的.no fear!没有那种事!别怕!〔拒绝请求时〕不行不行.no flies on 〔美俚〕活泼,有精神,机灵,聪敏 (There are no flies on him.那家伙机灵[聪明]得很).no go 〔俚语〕不行,没希望,失败;〔美俚〕意见不一致 (=no agreement).no got 〔美俚〕我没有.no great shakes 〔美俚〕普通的,平凡的,比较上不大重要的.no likes 〔美俚〕不欢喜;〔美剧〕收入少的;不叫座的,不成功的.no man's land 没有主人的土地;【军事】无人[真空]地带〔两对峙阵地间的地带〕;难于确定性质的领域.no two ways about it 〔美国〕确实的,显著的.