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翻译 .急!

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:百度作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/08 18:27:25
感谢你来信介绍你们的城市, 我知道你也很喜欢我们的城市,我给你介绍一下它。 我们的城市有很多高楼和立交桥。每个家庭都有属于自己的私车,因为这样会更方便出行。经常可以见到许 多的外国游客来到我们这里旅游,因为这里有些很有名的景点。当然了,我也很喜欢去那些景点。城市的生 活很和谐,有特别为老人晨练建的广场,还有很多供儿童玩的游乐场,每个人都有着灿烂的笑脸。 期待你能来到这里,亲身体会一下这个城市的和谐。
翻译 .急!
解题思路: 翻译短文,注意措辞。
Thank you for your introducing your city in your letter. I know you are fond of our city, too. I would like to introduce it to you. There are many high bulidings and overpasses in our city, and every family has their own car, because it is convenient for them to travel. What's more, large quantities of foreign tourists come to travel, for famous tour attractions are catching their eyes. It is certain that I often go there, enjoying myself. Our city life is very harmony. There is a big square, where the old can take morning exercise. Besides, there is an amusement park, where children can have fun. Everyone here is living a happy life.
Looking forward to your coming.