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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:百度作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/05 13:58:24
大学是提供教学和研究以及授权颁发学位的高等教学机构,人们通常将大学比作象牙塔,进入大学标志着一个学习者的水平达到了一定的高度,大学的意义是用来塑造一个人综合素质的地方,是传道、授业、解惑的地方,是学生在接受教育后,能够树立良好的人生观,价值观.在进入社会之后能够表现出自立、自强、自尊,借助所学的专业知识努力实现自己的人生目标; 并能够懂得善恶,辨别是非,明事理.所谓的二奶,一夜情、教授抄袭现象却是当今社会的一个丑恶现象,也是道德沦丧的起点,那么作为大学校园而言,发生此类现象,是对大学教育莫大的讽刺,它变相的引导了不良社会风气的漫延.
University's teaching and research, and provide the degree of higher education issued by authorized agencies, people usually will enter the university, university of ivory to marks a learner's level reached a certain height, the significance of university is used to shape a person, is the comprehensive quality of preaching, impart knowledge and working place, is in education, students can set a good outlook on life, the values. In entering society can be shown after independence, self-improvement, self-esteem, with major knowledge efforts to achieve their goals in life, Can understand and wrong, good and evil, to understand. The so-called mistresses, one night stands, professor plagiarism is one of today's social evils, and also the moral decay, so as the university campus, this kind of phenomenon occurred in college education, is the great irony, which led to the form of social disintegration of the poor.
College campus is to cultivate useful talent, type, instead of containing ethos of talent morally corrupted, university campus is not evil.
And as for the open sex milks western countries, also have strict regulations, all these students are expelled, because of this kind of phenomenon exists marks the collapse of the social morals system, also influence the social youth self-made confidence in western countries, so the campus, this kind of phenomenon is absolutely not permitted on campus.
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