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求一篇英语演讲稿!题目为"The Three Places I Want Go".要求:800到1000个词,要求写清为

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:百度作业网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/07/31 22:40:28
题目为"The Three Places I Want Go".要求:800到1000个词,要求写清为什么想去这3个地方,描述这3个地方,如果有一个机会但只能去一个地方,你会选哪里,为什么?
The Three Places I Want Go 1. China's most beautiful places - Wuzhen
Location: Located in the northern end of Tongxiang City, Zhejiang Province, Huzhou City, west, north Wujiang County, Jiangsu Province.
Necessary to reason: the Xiaojiabiyu like the quiet southern town of Zhouzhuang's reputation is not only quiet, peaceful, and people moved to the outside world. White walls, Qingwa, wood sliding door, tile, Boat Sailing, wood carving, pavilion, tea house, deep get Roadway, will get you into the misty rain of a picturesque South ... ... 2, heaven, heaven on earth - Jiuzhaigou
Location: in the Aba Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture of Sichuan Province, Jiuzhaigou County, 400 kilometers away from Chengdu.
Will go to ground: this piece of unspoiled land had to change the landscape four seasons to win a
heaven on earth, heaven on earth
in the world. Spring, it snow melt, spring water pan up, flowers are blooming; summer, it set off in green dripping Nongyin among the five colors of Zi, silver screens like Four Seasons Fall express the most wanton passion; autumn, It is bright and clean with water and the sky blue and Bi net, dream interpretation of a colorful mix; winter Jiuzhaigou, a touch of snow, there were numerous to fly, people forget the world disputes ... ... 3.Rain Border Town - Phoenix city
Location: Located in Western bank of Tuo River.
Will go to ground: a city of Castle Peak hold, the water around the city had a Da Bay, a red stone street, a row of small Diaojiaolou, a storm the ancient city walls, a tremendous old castle, a Wonderful Qiliang Dong, a grand old stone bridge, A group of world-famous people ... ... all, all the United States to the limit, therefore, have a Shen a Border Town。If only to go to a place I would choose Wuzhen.Jiangnan Water Town Wuzhen is one of six authentic and intact in the East, West, South, North 4 Street was 10cross-word, constitute the double checkerboard Ho Street parallel to the surface pattern of the adjacent town. Here's residential home building housing along the riverside, along the street kept a large number of Ming and Qing architecture, combined with river stone bridge, reflects the small bridge, flowing water, old house in the southern town charm. Town of determined Junior College is the time of Mao Dun reading that now opened up as Mao Memorial Hall, for the national key cultural relics protection units. Town of Xishan Street is the best preserved Ming and Qing Dynasties of China buildings one. In addition, comprehension for concept stage, double bridge style, Liang Court sites, Tang ginkgo and many other attractions.
Waterside style of course must not be fascinated, I remember going to see Mao's former residence, where you will learn a lot about his old deeds, see Mao personally planted palm trees. 翻译1.中国最美的地方——乌镇  
  必去理由:这个小家碧玉般静谧的江南小镇,没有周庄的名气,只有宁静、安详和让人感动的沧桑。白墙、青瓦、木隔扇、石板路、乌篷船、木雕、水阁、茶馆、深弄水巷,会把你带入一个如诗如画的烟雨江南…… 2.人间天上,天上人间——九寨沟  
  必去理由:这片未被污染过的土地,以春夏秋冬四季更替的景色赢得了“人间天上,天上人间”的美誉。春天时,它冰雪消融、春水泛涨、山花烂漫;夏日里,它掩映在苍翠欲滴的浓阴之中,五色的海子、银帘般的瀑布抒发四季中最为恣意的激情;秋日,它配合明净的水和湛蓝而碧净的天空,演绎着七彩梦幻组合;冬日的九寨沟,淡淡的飞雪,纷纷扬扬地飞舞,使人忘却了世间纷争…… 3.风雨边城——凤凰古城  
  必去理由:一座青山抱古城,一湾沱水绕城过,一条红红石板街,一排小巧吊脚楼,一道风雨古城墙,一座沧桑老城堡,一个奇绝奇梁洞,一座雄伟古石桥,一群闻名世界的人……一切,都美到极致,因此,才有了沈从文一曲《边城》,将他魂梦牵系的故土描绘得如诗如画、如梦如歌、荡气回肠。 假如只去一个地方我会选择乌镇。 乌镇是江南水乡六大古镇之一,古风犹存的东、西、南、北四条老街呈“十”字交叉,构成双棋盘式河街平行、水陆相邻的古镇格局。这里的民居宅屋傍河而筑,街道两旁保存有大量明清建筑,辅以河上石桥,体现了小桥、流水、古宅的江南古镇风韵。镇东的立志书院是茅盾少年时的读书处,现辟为茅盾纪念馆,为国家级重点文物保护单位。镇上的西栅老街是我国保存最完好的明清建筑群之一。此外,还有修真观戏台、双桥风情、梁苑胜迹、唐代银杏等众多景点。
当然千万别被水乡风情迷住,记得去茅盾故居看看,在那里你将了解到不少关于他老人家的事迹,看看茅盾亲自种下的棕榈树。 团队比赛希望被采纳 团队比赛希望被采纳