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几道关于“that”和“the one

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:百度作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/16 02:49:11
几道关于“that”和“the one
1.Is this factory __________ some foreignfriends visited last Friday?
A.that B.whereC.which D.the one
2.this candidate has far more chances of winning the election than ___ recommended by the organizer.A the one B that C one
3.the water in the pond is cleaner than__in the sea
A that B the one
我的见解:that 既可以特质不可数名词也可以特质可数名词 也就是 that可以代替the one 而the one 特指可数名词,所以第二题 可以用 the one和that 代替the candidate,选择that保险,第一题中 that本身不能既做表语又做先行词 所以选择the one 第三题中 that特指不可数名词 请大师详解.
几道关于“that”和“the one
第二题选the one 被组织者推荐的那个人.that只能指物不能指人所以不能用that.
第三题选that 指代the wate