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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:百度作业网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/07/18 01:26:55
Thank you,thank you.En,I am so thankful,and I en,you know,I just,I've lost my words,I don't know what to say,I love you guys so much,it's been 11,12 years.We've still got many more years to go.We will play 'til June.I love you guys,now let's get this party started!
For the second time in his career,played a full 82 games,and the last half of the season with a pinky so mangled that they'd need the team that put the Bionic Man back together to get it fixed (or so I've been told)职业生涯第二次打满82场,并且后半赛季一直受到严重损伤的小指的折磨(that 后面不知道怎么翻译好.求助)# Subjugated his numbers to incorporate and integrate not one (Andrew Bynum) but two (Pau Gasol) key post players to the triangle offense成功地让两位地位球员AB,PG融入三角进攻,不惜牺牲自己的技术统计数字# Led a team with few expectations to the No.1 seed in the ultra-competitive Western Conference没有人在赛季开始前预料到他能在惨无人道的西部率队杀出重围# Matches the intangibles that KG brings and does so on both ends of the floorKG带给凯尔特人队的无形资产——决心、强度、态度、努力、个人的奋斗、特殊的球队氛围、风水(?)——Kobe同样把它们带给了湖人队# Finally learned to trust his teammates学会去相信他的队友# LeBron likes him勒布朗也挺他!Adrian Wojnarowski mentioned that it's Kobe's time.It is.But not because he scored 81 in a game two years ago,not because he's never won it before,not because he's been the most talented player,not because this "may be his last chance to win it" (Really?Dude's 29.You think he's going to fall off the MVP cliff once he turns 30?What kind of fan are you?) and not because you have four posters in your room and "I (Heart) Kobe" etched into your school locker.AW提到过kobe该拿MVP了.没错.但并不是因为他在两年前的一场比赛中拿了81分,不是因为他从来没有拿到过这个奖项,不是因为他一直是最有天赋的球员,不是因为“这是他最后的机会”(有没有搞错?这家伙才29岁,你认为他到了30岁就会像从悬崖跳下一样退出mvp竞争?你到底算什么球迷?),不是因为他的球迷们在房间里贴了四张他的海报并且把"我(爱)科比"的字样刻在储物箱上Those are the wrong reasons to name Kobe MVP.It's a disservice to him,his talent and his drive to be the player he is -- and the player you love -- to present Kobe Bryant with the MVP award because you feel sorry for him that he hasn't won it before.One of the reasons you love Kobe is because he shows no pity for his opponents.Kobe's a stone-cold closer.He's no charity case.这些都是错误的理由.如果因为同情kobe从来没有拿过mvp而给他这个荣誉,是对他本人,以及他的才能、成为最好球员的野心的伤害和亵渎.粉丝们热爱他的一个理由是他从不怜惜任何对手.kobe在球场上是一个冷血终结者,不是慈善家.You give the man his due because he's earned it -- rightfully and honestly.如果他得到了mvp,那只能是因为他以公平而正当的方式赢得了这个荣誉You don't think he'd settle for anything less than that.Do you?你们不认为他会满足于任何低于MVP的个人荣誉,是吧?