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英语翻译“show me your heart,Kate." In for an ounce,in for a poun

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:百度作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/16 19:35:46
“show me your heart,Kate." In for an ounce,in for a pound.
这个说话的背景是,A让kate做一件为难的事,然后kate还是做了.现在A又让kate继续show me your heart,会比刚才的事,更为难,A在说完这个话后面的,In for an ounce,in for a pound.怎么理解呢?
英语翻译“show me your heart,Kate.
类似说法还有:in for a penny and in for a pound.
再问: 我开始想,会不会是得寸进尺的感觉?
再答: 给你9个例句,你结合语境分析下。主要是A鼓励Kate继续做下去,差不多就是这个意思了。 1你不能半途而废。一不做,二不休。 You shouldn't stop halfway. In for a penny, in for a pound. 2一不做二不休(偷小羊也受绞刑不如偷大羊)偷大羊跟偷小羊一样都是贼。 One may as well be hanged for a sheep as a lamb. 3既已投下一便士,索性再一英镑;一不做,二不休。 In for a penny, in for a pound. 4我们一旦进入这项工作,就要一不做二不休,把它干到底。 When we once get into the work, in for a penny, in for a pound. 5偷羊偷羔都是绞死;偷大偷小统是贼。(意指:一不做,二不休) As well be hanged for a sheep as a lamb. 6他一不做二不休,不但没停车,还朝那躺在地上的行人身上开过去。 His carry the things through, whatever the consequences, not only did not jockey, the pedestrian that still lies on the ground toward that opens the past on the body. 7凯莉决定一不做二不休,除了换个新发型之外,她还要将头发染成深蓝色。 Kelly decides to go the whole hog . apart from having a new hairstyle , she wants to dye her hair dark blue. 8既然我们已经辜负了女主人公的信赖,那就一不做二不休,索性让读者看看她给她情人的信吧。 Being seduced into betraying our heroine's confidence thus far, we will stretch our communication a step beyond, and impart to the reader her letter to her lover. 9布什的“一不做二不休(double-or-quits)”政策。不仅仅是在中东风险重重——在那里萨达姆•侯赛因刚被绞死,提醒了世人伊拉克凹陷有多深——而且风险亦蔓延到国内。 But Mr Bush's double-or-quits policy is rife with risks, not just in the Middle East—where the hanging of Saddam Hussein reminded the world just how far Iraq has sunk—but also back home.