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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:百度作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/05 21:20:54
Are Blogs a marketing goldmine?Discuss at the WebProWorld eBusiness Forum.
Blogs are a goldmine of formerly hard to get insight from CEO's,marketing guru's and others who never used to have a public forum.These business leaders are utilizing the internet to convey their personal thoughts on happenings in their industry and life.They are blogging for the same reasons they do public speaking,to build credibility for themselves and their company's.Blogging has become a new … less time consuming and less expensive way to reach potential and current customers.
Big Blog Company associate Jackie Danicki comments in The Times (London) on CEO blogs,"You basically have a lot of CEOs who are sitting there and writing about what they know.Also adding personal things in,talking off-topic,about their holidays....It gets readers to feel an affinity."
Danicki continues,"Executives start blogging for a number of reasons,They want to raise their personal profile.They want to reach out to customers and members of their own staff without going through official channels and PR departments.They want to be seen as a forward thinking company up to date with the latest trend."
The effect is powerful viral marketing with blogs linking to other blogs."The real value is things that you don't expect," says Danicki."I know from our perspective,the amount of people we've ended up talking to and doing business with just simply thanks to our blog is amazing.Producers in Hollywood.People from publishing companies in the States.People who in another time without this network we would never have made contact with."
So,what kind of information is in these blogs?I remember reading Jupitermedia CEO Alan Meckler's blog where he warns "all trade show operators about the perils of working with the Mandalay Bay Convention Center in Las Vegas".Real time concerns by big time CEO's,now that's what the internet was invented for!
大博客公司合伙人Jackie Danicki在《时代》(伦敦)中对行政总裁的博客评论到,“实际上有很多CEO都坐在那里,写一些他们知道的事情.其中也加入他们个人的事情,谈谈话题之外的事情,谈谈他们的假期……这会让读者感觉到一丝亲切“ .
Danicki继续谈到:“主管人员开始写博客原因很多.他们希望建立他们个人的档案,希望不通过官方渠道和公关部门来接触客户和他们自己的工作人员,希望公司被看作是与最新的趋势相映的具有前瞻性思考的公司“ .
博客间的链接形成了强大的病毒式营销效果.“真正有价值的正是你并不指望的东西,” Danicki说 “我知道从我们的角度来看,曾与我们谈话和做生意的人数都应归功于我们博客的神奇.好莱坞的生产者,美国的出版公司,如果没有这个网络,在不同时区的人是永远也不会取得联系的“ .
那么,在这些博客中都有什么样的信息呢?我记得读Jupitermedia首席执行官艾伦•梅克勒的博客时,他在博客中警告说:“所有贸易都向经营者显示出了在拉斯维加斯曼德勒海湾会议中心工作的危险” .一流行政总裁的实时性的关注,这就是现在互联网要被发明出来的原因!
英语翻译我急用,但我实在是没有分了,只有等我每天登陆赚的分分给朋友了!(请人工翻译,千万别用软件或在线翻译之类的,谢谢合 英语翻译实在翻译不来了,但请别用在线翻译和软件之类的啊,急用!Perhaps the most important co 英语翻译就是范玮琪翻的那首,我想请高手翻译出来送给我的外国男朋友^^,我会追加分的.千万别用软件翻译啊! 九年级英语在线翻译你可不可以把p50的给我翻译一下谢谢了 我急用 谁能帮我翻译一下详细文章在下边,高分重谢,急用!不要在线翻译的那种.谢谢大虾们了!必有重谢!千万不能在线翻译,那种我试过 我在线等,谢谢各位英语高手,请不要用百度翻译软件之类,语法不准,谢谢您,我没有分,但是我有谢谢 英语翻译直接用翻译软件翻译的千万别回复,急用主要就是一个澳门顾客拍了我的商品,他那边需要发顺丰快递,邮费到付,但是我不清 英语翻译现在 英语难了 试卷多了 实在太烦了 我想找一个网及软件 可以翻译单词 翻译句子等 有没有这些软件的 请大家帮我 翻译短文请哪位帮我翻译成英文!谢谢,人工翻译,用软件的别来烦! 请原谅我的小气,我知道我已经喜欢上你了,但我知道你不会想 英语翻译翻译软件弄的就别耽误您时间了.我自己也会.请英语水平比较好的朋友帮忙人工翻译下...在信息时代的今天,计算机参与 英语翻译这句话的译音是:艾了哈儿目都,吝俩席.我不会输入阿拉伯语 在线翻译软件都是不对的 所以请懂的朋友帮忙用阿拉伯语写 英语翻译不要在线翻译,软件等等,句子是:我真的爱上你了,以为自己能忘记,但想你的思绪每天都在增加,