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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:百度作业网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/07/11 22:16:11
罗多尔夫第一次见到爱玛就被她与众不同的气质深深地吸引了.于是乎他暗暗下决心一定要把这个女人弄到手,他很自信自己能够成功,因为他有钱. 罗多尔夫用尽花言巧语是爱玛神昏颠倒,她的虚荣心迅速膨胀起来.一开始爱玛有过犹豫,但在罗多尔夫一波又一波的攻势下,她臣服了.爱玛觉得自己终于找到了小说中向往的生活,感到既刺激又欣喜.可是爱玛的独占欲很强,久而久之,罗多尔夫对她产生了厌倦 .当爱玛下定决心抛弃眼下的生活,和罗多尔夫双宿双飞时,他退缩了.罗多尔夫觉得一切都是逢场做戏罢了.他狠心的写下了一封信,可笑的事文字中完美的掩饰着自身的疲倦,反之把一切都归咎于"命运"二字,极力地推卸责任.他无情的走了,好像一切都没发生过似的走了.爱玛崩溃了,从此一蹶不振.
最终她积债如山 陷入身败名裂的绝境.爱玛求助于她的情夫,但他们在这时却像个缩头乌龟似的避之不及,没有人愿意伸出援助之手.在这一刻,危急自身利益的时候,世间丑态在爱玛眼前展露无遗.她走投无路了,最后选择了死亡.
ROM dole husband first saw Emma was her distinctive temperament deeply attracted. Suddenly he secretly determined to this woman approachable, he is very confident he can succeed, because he is rich. ROM dole Cardiff exhausted rhetoric is Emma god faint conversed, her vanity quickly swell. Start by Emma had hesitated, but in ROM dole Cardiff wave after wave of offensive, she succumbed. Emma felt finally found in the novel yearning life, felt both exciting and rejoice. But Emma the exclusive to very strong, as time passes, luo dole for her husband produced boredom. When Emma determined to abandon our present life, and arjen robben SuShuangFei, dole Cardiff double. He drew robben feels everything is Cardiff dole tendencies acting just. He wrote a letter hard-hearted, funny things text of perfect hides his own tired, and vice put all blame "fate" 2 words, vehemently shirk responsibility. He ruthless went away, as if nothing has happened away. Emma collapse, nixonian levels.
She eventually accumulate mountain of debt into despair. Emma's appeal to her lover, but they at this time but be like a little puss-head similar away from the sufferer, no one willing to lend a helping hand. At this moment, critical self-interest, worldly lovers in Emma eyes show without involuntary discharge of urine. She was cornered, finally chose death.
加油 !祝你好运.