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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:百度作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/18 07:57:06
.“扑”的只一拳,正打在鼻子上,打得鲜血迸流,鼻子歪在半边,却便似开了酱油铺,咸的、酸的、辣的、一发都滚出来.••••••提出拳头来,就眼眶眉际梢只一拳,打得眼棱缝裂,乌珠迸出,也似开了个彩帛铺,红的、黑的、绛的、都淀将出来.••••••又只一拳,太阳穴上正着,却似做了个全堂水陆道场,磬儿、钹儿、铙儿,一齐响.” (施耐庵《水浒传》)
.“throws” an only fist,is hitting on the nose,hits the blood to jump the class,the nose crookedly in the half,actually then resembled the soy sauce shop,salty,the acid,spicy,a round rolled.Proposes the fist to come,on an eye socket eyebrow border tree top only fist,hits the eye opening crack,the pupil of eye boils up,also resembled the color silks shop,red,black,deep red,will settle will come out.Also an only fist,on the temples,was actually resembling has made the entire hall amphibious Buddhist temple,Qing,the cymbals,the large cymbal,made a sound in once.”