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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:百度作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/16 06:16:44
Cui Sir,
We have not given a deadline to submit this presentation right now.
Per my past experience, Foton will organize a kick off meeting after our nomination.
And during the meeting, they will request to review these details. So per my estimation, this kick off meeting will be held in Beijing Foton sometime in May.
We are not working on the nomination letter and internal business case approval, once we get this done we will have an internal program kick off meeting. (Planned next week around April 17, 2013)
During this meeting, we will introduce the status of this business and HAAM PM need to start to track all the open issues and team members will need to keep following on closing these issues
For the program timing, you can refer to our cost request information. Right now, customer requests PPAP July 2014 and SOP Jan 2015.
We probably can’t meet this timing, and we will need to prepare and present our feasible timing to customer at the kick off meeting.
And then we can discuss how to meet in the middle.

Please let me know if further question. Thanks.

Michael Zhang 8-Apr-13
Google翻译来的?首先称呼正常外国人就都不这么写啊,就港剧里面叫的劲儿劲儿的好咩,正常写Mr.Cui就行了,语法错误绝对有啊,比如per my experience应该用as per my experience吧,最后一段那从句话少动词啊,应该是plz let me know if there are further questions,kick off meeting 一般有连字符kick-off meeting或者直接写kickoff meeting,断句也不充分造成一个句子里面多个动词什么的.不吐槽了,总之文章有点怪,但是看懂还是可以的.
大约意思是我们还没收到做演示解说的通知,一般来说foton会在我们提名后开个项目启动会,解释他们会需要一些项目的细节,我估计这会将于5月份举行.我们还没开始着手提名信和内部协调(?),不过只要这两项事情完成,我们就会先开一个内部的项目启动会,约于4月17 举行.会议主要介绍公司概况(或者项目商业背景概况,有歧义),Haam PM(啥啊)会提出开放性的问题,小组组员将会致力于解决这些问题.关于时间问题,可参考成本预算信息.客户现在要求2014年7月时拿到PPAP成果,15年一月时拿到sop成果.我们可能不能及时完成该任务,而且我们需要在项目启动会上向客户说明我们所预计的达标时间,并与他们取得一个折中的协议.