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21、______ to miss the lecture on Sunday,I had to cut short t

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:百度作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/13 18:31:22
21、______ to miss the lecture on Sunday,I had to cut short the visit and came back
on Saturday.
A、Reluctant B.Being reluctant
C.Spontaneous D.To be spontaneous
22、Edward had done extremely well in the entrance examinations,which convinced
his father that he was ______ financial support.
A、capable of B.worthy of C.short of D.sure of
23、She was ______ enough to understand my questions from the gestures I made.
A.intellectual B.capable C.intelligent D.diligent
24.In the heat of the sun,the children played on the lawn ______ to the waist.
A.hollow B.empty C.vacant D.bare
25.If you are jealous of others' ______ it just indicates your ______.
A.competition; competence B.competency; incompetence
C.competency; incompletion D.capability; incompletion
26、My uncle lived in a comfortable home ______ from farm buildings some 15 miles to the northwest of the city.
A、constituted B.altered C.transferred D.converted
27、Don't ______ to let me know if there's anything I can do for you.
A、reject B.hesitate C.puzzle D.thrill
28、The answer,I concluded,was that there was ______ surgical patient I ______
treat competently,treat just as well as or better than any other surgeon.Until then,you are indeed a surgeon.
A、Some; cannot B.no; cannot
C.some; can D.no; can
21、______ to miss the lecture on Sunday,I had to cut short t
1.B 首先理解“reluctant”是不情愿的意思,而另一个译为“自发的”,翻译一下句子知道,为了不耽误去开星期天那个讲座,主人公缩短了行程,提前回来了.需要不情愿这个意思,而该句又是分词结构,所以选B
2.B 爱德华在升学考试中取得了好成绩,父亲当然觉得值得给他一些经济上的支持.所以当我说“值得...”是要用“be worthy of”这个形容词短语.
3.C 她够聪明理解了我用手势问的问题.我们说智商方面的聪慧就得用“intelligent”
4.D 在酷热下,男孩们赤裸上身在踢球.我们说“赤身”就要用bare
5.B 你嫉妒人家的才能就说明你无能.这两个空都需用到“才能”competence,选项里的两个词是这个词的变体.
6.B 说实话这句句子可能有问题,不知所云,你可以问问老师
7.B 如果你有什么要我帮忙的,请不要犹豫告诉我.“犹豫”用“hesitate”
8.B 我得出的结论是,想做一名真正的手术医师,就是想着没有一个病人是不能用我所学治好的,其他医师能做得,我一样也能做,并能做得更好.通过意思得出B选项.