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You can also refer to the team that was expected to lose as

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:百度作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/03 06:44:46
You can also refer to the team that was expected to lose as the underdog.还有refer to
You can also refer to the team that was expected to lose as
efer to通常就是“指的是...”的意思,这句话应该是“你也可以用来形容那个队,就是那个我们希望会按照我们所愿输了的那个队.
再问: 谢谢,但是能不能说的通透一点
再答: 这是一个从句,从句就是说有一个大句子里面套着一个小句子。所以, 1.我们先把它拆开,拆成:大句子:You can also refer to the team. 小句子:The team was expected to lose as the under dog. [【在此,你会发现,我把that替换成了the team,这是因为这是一个宾语从句(小句子占据了什么位置,就是什么从句,这里小句子占据了宾语的位置,宾语位于谓语动词后面,表明”做什么“的成分)。我还原成了the team是因为原句中为了避免语言的重复性,用that替代了the team.】 2. 现在我们一次翻译大小句子。大:你也能够去指那个队(the team是特指) 小:那个队被期望于(was expected是被动语态)就像一条听人摆布的狗一样输掉比赛。 3. 最后整合一下,把语序理顺,就这样啦。呵呵。