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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:百度作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/31 19:58:51
1.你的表达方式取决你说话的对象和你们的熟悉程度,否则你就会冒犯别人.(depend on,offend)
2.每天早上他都起的很早是为了赶头班车,但是今天早上他的闹钟没有响,他起来晚了(in order to)
3.在迪士尼乐园游客可以和打扮成迪士尼卡通人物的工作人员合影(dress up)
5.所有的学生都知道按时交作业是必要的.但是李明总是要违反这一规定(hand in,break the rule)
6.体育宣布,如果不下大雨,篮球比赛不会延期举行(announce,put off)
7.由于地震的原因,成百上千的人都逃离了他们的家乡(flee from,because of)
8.我们所有的人都竭尽全力帮助他解决困难,所以每个人都感到精疲力尽(help out,exhausted)
10.今天早上在上学的路上,我的自行车出来故障,幸运的是,李华坐她妈妈的车经过,让我搭了她们的便车(break down,give sb,a ride)
1. You should change the way you express yourself depend on how close you are to the one you are talking to, if not you might easily offend others.
2. He always wake up very early every morning in order to catch the first train, but he woke up late this morning when his alarm clock did not ring.
3. In Disneyland, tourists can take a photo together with the staffs there who will dress up into Disney characters.
4. There are some slides in the neighbourhood where I often see young parents who bringing their children there playing happily together.
5. Every students know that it is necessary to hand in their homework on time, but Li Ming Zhong always seem to break the rule.
6. The sports department announced that they would not put off the basketball competition if it did not rain heavily.
7. Hundreds and thousands of people are forced to flee from their homeland because of the earthquake.
8. All of us tried our best to help him solve his difficulties, that is why we are all exhausted.
9. He was very angry after I told him of the incident, but I dare not reveal who it is that told me about it.
10. My bicycle broke down (过去式) on my way to school in the morning, but luciky, Li Hua was passing by in her mother's car and gave (过去式) me a ride. (因为事情已经是发生了的事了,所以我觉得该用过去式……)