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英语翻译以下来自Discover(杂志)January 2006.No.81.Sea Level Rises 50 Pe

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:百度作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/30 17:26:14
以下来自Discover(杂志)January 2006.No.81.
Sea Level Rises 50 Percent Faster
Environment-For sinking cities like New Orleans and Venice,ocean warming trends will make a bad situation even worse.When ice sheets melt and oceans heat up,the sea level rises.A fleet of satellites has been monitoring the situation,and in July Steve Nerem,a geophysicist at the University of Colorado at Boulder,and his colleagues pulled together the evidence.Bottom line:Oceans are rising about 50 percent faster than in previous decades.
The sealevel readings come from NASA satellites called TOPEX/Poseidon and Jason-1,which map the oceans every 10 days.On average,sealevel has risen more than a tenth of an inch per year over the last 12 years.That's a sizable increase over the rate of the previous 50 years,as estimated by tide gauges around the world.Nerem cautions that it's too soon to pin the result on global warming; it could be due to regular changes in ocean climate."It's hard to know whether this reflects a long-term change or a short-term change," he says.It will take another 10 to 15 years to settle the case.Still,the increase is about what's predicted by computer models of global climate.
According to calculations by other scientists,roughly half the rise comes from the thermal expansion of the oceans as they warm.Melting mountain glaciers and polar ice are also adding to new heights.And climatologists suspect that the ice sheets of Greenland and Antarctica are involved,although exactly how much is not known.These ice sheets have been sliding ever faster toward the sea,but reseach this year showed that parts of Antarctica are actully getting thicker.That means the overall contribution to sea level"is still a little fuzzy,"says glaciologist Richard Alley of Pennsylvania State University.Finding out how ice sheets are behaving is crucial,Alley and others say:The ice of Antarctica and Greenland contains enough water to raise the sea level by more than 200n feet.
这片是出自Discover(杂志)January 2006.No.81.
英语翻译以下来自Discover(杂志)January 2006.No.81.Sea Level Rises 50 Pe
对于新奥尔良和威尼斯这样的下沉中的城市来说,全球变暖的趋势简直是雪上加霜.冰山的融化和海洋的升温导致海平面的上升,而这一现象正被大量的卫星监控着.在Boulder的一位科罗拉多大学的地球物理学家Steve Nerem和他的同事在七月份综合了所有的证据而得出了如下结论:现在海平面上升的速度比几十年前快50%.
其他科学家的计算结果表明,大概一半的海平面的上升是由海洋变暖而热胀导致的,不断融化的冰山和极冰也加速了这一过程.气候学家还怀疑格陵兰和南极洲的冰层也受到了影响,只是不能确定影响的程度.这些冰层还在加速向海洋中滑行.然而,今年的研究发现南极洲的一部分实际上正在变厚.也就是说冰层对海平面的影响“暂时还不太明确,”引用宾夕法尼亚州立大学的冰川学家Richard Alley的话.而弄清楚冰层的行为是至关重要的,Alley和其他科学家表示:南极洲和格陵兰的冰层还中含有能使海平面上升超过200英尺的水.