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英语翻译The case for public transport has been made on the basis

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:百度作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/14 13:38:07
The case for public transport has been made on the basis of encironmental and social justice considerations rather than economics.
英语翻译The case for public transport has been made on the basis
这里我意译了,make the case有“...的理由,为了...”的意思.
1、I am here to make the case for strengthening ourcapacity to use softpower and for better integrating it with hardpower.
2、But it seems that the temptation,for people hoping to make the case against nuclear power,is overwhelming.
再问: 加上两个例句,make the case的意思好像都同它后面跟的介词有挺大关系,而且去掉make the case好像不影响句子理解,如 1、Public transport has been on the basis of environmental and social justice considerasions rather than economics. 2、I am here for... 3、But it seems that the temptation, for people against... 不知这样理解对否,既然去掉也不影响句意,为什么还用呢?英语不是讲究简练的吗?
再答: 你说的介词是指for和against吧?for和against是一对介词,前者表示肯定、支持,后者表示反对、驳斥。至于你说的去掉make the case不影响句意,我觉得把make the case放在句中是为了强调理由(也就是你原句中的公共交通的出发点),并不影响简洁性,反而使表意更清晰。